A decade after the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History list was released, TNT will unveil “The Next 10” tonight. The idea is pretty simple — who are the next 10 on the list.
There are some easy ones, guys like Kobe and Duncan who were not in the league (or very young) when the first list came out but have to be on it now. But there should be some interesting picks.
A few of us over at CourtsideTimes.net made our own list. Check it out, watch tonight and let’s debate who got left off.
Brian says
Hey, do the Lakers still have a first-round pick coming from the Heat for the Shaq trade? I thought we had two first-round picks in different years, but I could be wrong …
christian says
hey Kurt if there is any possibility that the francis-Odom deal would go through then what big on Orlando would we get in the trade as well as Francis? I know that we would never make a straight up trade for francis because we would be giving up our leading rebounder and assist man. Sure we would get our new assist man with francis but what big man would replace the rebounding that we got from Odom?
dan reines says
so who’d they name? I missed it, and i can’t seem to find it anywhere…
Kurt says
They named: Tim Duncan, Kobe Bryant, Dominique Wilkins, Allen Iverson, Bob McAdoo, Kevin Garnett, Reggie Miller, Connie Hawkins, Jason Kidd and Gary Payton
christian says
yeah we still have the heats first round pick for this year coming up.. I’m pretty sure.
christian says
I checked and we don’t have OUR first round pick this year, it went to pheonix. We do have Miami’s first round pick though.
christian says
We have the heats first round pick this year coming up and we already gave away our first round pick to the celtics who gave it to the hawks who gave it to pheonix.