One of the beauties of the Web is the blend of diversity and community — the fact that basketball fans, Laker fans, from around the nation and the globe can get together and talk hoops. The community that has built up at this humble little blog the best thing about it.
And that community has grown — with the playoffs and a few higher-profile links, a lot of new people have found FB&G. Everyone’s welcome, you’ve added a lot to the discussion.
My goal is to keep the site fun, the smart tone going, and to have thoughtful discussions of what has happened and what could happen (or maybe should) with Lakers basketball and the NBA.
So, to that end, here are some “commenting guidelines.†There are no hard-and-fast rules, but if we can all live by these I think the discussion will remain at a high level. Here we go:
1) Don’t use profanity.
2) This is a basketball blog, keep the focus on the Lakers and other hoops — leave politics at the door.
3) The goal is discussion, so try not to make multiple comment posts in a row (that is a lecture, not a discussion).
4) The goal is not an argument — don’t start one or bait other commenters into a fight.
5) No personal attacks on other commenters.
6) We use complete sentences here, not ALL CAPS or short cuts u luv. This is not an IM conversation. That said, there’s no need to mock others grammar.
7) Talk of potential trades, ideally ones that have been reported as things team management is thinking of, is okay. Posts of fan fiction speculation on how the Lakers can land KG (or whomever) are not. (There is no shortage of other Lakers sites that welcome that kind of speculation.)
8) Try not to make the same point over and over, the goal is a ranging discussion.
9) Don’t drink and comment. We’ve all done it and it’s not pretty.
10) Basketball is a game; don’t confuse it with the really important things in life.
And have fun. That’s why we’re all here.
adam kiley says
was that too much, sorry if it was!
in regard to my last post, i haven’t yet seen it posted!
chopperdave says
Finding this site (through the help of Abbott’s TrueHoop) was definitely one of the highlights of this NBA season for me. One of the main things that has drawn me here time and time again is the consistent quality of the dialogue among fans who are clearly passionate about the game and this team. Well aware of my status as a newcomer to this blog, hopefully I’ve been able to do more to contribute than to detract from the thoughtfulness of the discussions that happen here. I also hope you continue to play the Ernie to our collective Charles’s.
warren (philippines) says
I get you big man. Nice of you to place some candles in the pathway. Its a good way to put things into perspective.
I agree with you all the way. I do stray at times though. Its nice to know that we are more than a blog here… its sort of an extended community/family thing. I like it here.
Kyle South says
Since I finally know the rules, I suppose it’s time for my first comment. I just wanted to say thank you for the updates, previews, and insights. I found your site at the beginning of the year and I read it every day for the entire season. This was one of my most enjoyable seasons as a Laker fan, not because of the final outcome, but because of the time investment I made following the team. I very much enjoyed you analysis and unique perspective, the statistical stuff especially. I look forward to the off-season speculation and to the start of the Lakers’ next championship run. Keep up the good work.
warren (philippines) says
I just had to post this. I saw it somewhere and it might be useful for everyone. Enjoy.
chris henderson says
hey Kurt,
kind a feel like a veteran on this site, found ya last off season when, after the Lakers are out of the playoffs, and after a few post season articles, there’s almost nothing in the LA papers about the team. nothing about the off season moves, thoughts, plans, etc, and I was starved for something.
it’s always the most depressing time for me, (especially if it was one of those championship 2nd seasons) when the Lakers season is done, and all we have is mid-season baseball…boring…at least compared to the NBA playoffs. In the past, we just had to wait until the papers decided to cover training camp before we got any other news.
it’s been great to find this site because it is more of a family, compared to LG or Real GM, and it is more conversational and informative.
keep up the good work! It has really grown, and in a good way, well done.
Now, … give me the scoop…what’s going to happen??!!? …and when??!!? …
Kurt says
Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
1. Adam, I have not cut any posts in the last few days. If something didn’t get through it was a technical problem. Sorry about that.
5. Warren, draftnet is nice, but I think the people at this site do a more accurate job:
burningjoe says
I am a regular reader and I post once in a great while. If there was an issue with some posters I guess I missed it. But I have always felt welcome and as if my opinion though not always accepted, was at least heard (or read) and that is more that I can say for any other board I have posted on. I feel very safe here talking about a Sport I adore and a team that I love.
Rob L. says
Don’t drink and comment? Uh-oh, I’m done for!
Cary D says
I would like to mention that i have had a good part in the rule #9 of drinking and commenting!
hard not to do pound booze watching the mess the Lakers were the last 30 games.
but wait, i pounded the booze in a celebratory mode the first 50 games as we won.
what’s that? i have a drinking problem? i guess i do.
is there anything this site can’t do for my life?
great post kurt. i think it was well-timed and nicely written. not too much to ask, eh?
A-B says
Depending on When Bynum returns, and how much time he has to get back in to game shape and conditioning, Lakers should be able to lock the top spot in the Pacific and hopefully play together a few weeks and begin to gel going into playoffs
Jason says
what a great time to be a laker fan. Everyone get your POPCORN READY!!! Been waiting for a big time deal to open up! Its been a while since the Lakers had a mobile Big Man. Now “The talkin is over,not lets win a 15th Championship”
paul says
Why is Luke Walton still getting all of this playing time in the finals? He is missing layups,shooting airballs,turning the ball over,and not defending! He hasn’t had a decent game since the Denver series and every team put up #s on Denver. I like Luke but come on,he needs to be benched.