Today, I want to ask you a few questions. And for a change it is not about on-the-court basketball or front office moves. (We’ll be back to those topics tomorrow.)
Rather, it’s about where you get your NBA/Lakers news and information. And, how you evaluate the options out there. The reason I’m asking is for a post that will go up during All-Star weekend talking about blogs, their role in NBA coverage, and what is driving their popularity. I’m sending emails out in the next 24 hours to a number of bloggers as well asking them questions, but what really matters is what and why you read what these bloggers write, and who else you read.
For example, this site has never been intended as a Lakers news site — my assumption has long been that by the time you come here you know the results from last night or about things like Chris Mihm needing another surgery. The goal here was to provide some analysis and a place for a thoughtful discussion of those issues.
Certainly all blogs do not follow this model (nor should they). And we all get information from multiple sources, going to other sites to hear other views. Or talk about rumors and potential trades.
So, here are my questions, please answer in the comments:
1) Where do you go to get your NBA information? What sources do you use: television, Web sites, print media? Which ones? How many games do you watch a week?
2) How do evaluate what shows/sites/writers you go to and trust? For example, do you give a working beat writer a certain amount of trust automatically? What about a columnist/analyst for a major newspaper or publication? How do you determine which blogs and fan-based sites do you read?
In the case of the Lakers specifically, where do sites such as Lakersground and Club Lakers fit into the mix? What about sites like the LA Times Lakers blog?
Some quick ground rules: This is not about slamming a particular writer or site, but rather me trying to get a better understanding of how some fans get and digest their NBA news. Let’s be civil. I’m fine with you using a writer’s/site’s name to hand out praise or to say you don’t read/like their work, we all have our tastes and preferences. What we’re going to avoid is “I don’t read X because he’s an idiot.â€
DMew says
I look at scores and injury reports from yahoo sports who seem to do a decent job of keeping that section on target. I like ESPN for TrueHoop, Hollinger, Thorpe, and a love/little bit of hate for Simmons. So analysis, interesting articles from around the leauge, and trade rumors ESPN and especially TrueHoop. I read this site for your breakdown and in-depth coverage of the lakers and because it feels like a community of laker fans. I trust you and Henry Abbot because you admit your fans, you seem to give good analysis, and I enjoy your writing personalities. I do not read any print media but sometimes follow other teams beat writers and their blogs.
Craig W. says
1) I get my news from Laker games on KCAL & FSW; I listen to sports talk radio off-and-on throughout the day (AM 570 in the morning and ESPN 710 in the afternoon); and – since I am on the internet as a business – I have several sites listed on my favorites. I do not take a newspaper, but do reference stories with the LA Times and other newspapers around the country – particularly where the Lakers are playing. My favorite site is this one, but I also frequent, truehoop, and Roland Lazenby. The info sites are OC Register’s Kevin Ding,, hoopsworld, and SportSpyder.
2) I have tried out a lot of sites over time and find the ones mentioned to be the most consistently informative. I do follow links I see in your blog and others if the stories seem interesting and I get a fair amount of new information that way.
Particular writers I like are you (Kurt), Kevin Ding, Roland Lazenby (his book The Show is the bible I start with), Henry Abbot.
I used to frequent the LA Times Laker blog more than I do now because I got tired of the volumn of short, rant type comments there. I do go there for their links and basic information, but I rarely browse the comments any more. I think they have a place, but just not for me. I prefer more discussion about the players, team, & game and those are the comments I try to respond to.
fanerman says
first and foremost,
1) Forum Blue and Gold
distant 2nd, 3rd, etc.:
3) True Hoop
4) The Basketball Jones podcast
5) NBA Fanhouse
1 and 2 for Lakers info/content. 3 and 5 for general NBA info. 4 for entertainment to get me started on my work day. I tend to read links posted from those sites with a fair amount of trust. I also tend to go with my gut feeling on how much I trust things. I feel I have a reasonable enough understanding of the NBA to tell if a point somebody makes is sensible. I generally am open to what beat writers/insiders say, though I do reserve judgment.
I rarely watch SportsCenter, and only for highlights. I find their analysis to be inferior to what’s on the internet. I live in the bay area so the newspaper I have access to is the SF Chronicle, which obviously doesn’t focus on the Lakers. I also usually feel like a lot of the things I see on TV or read in newspapers is to attract viewers/readers, which doesn’t necessarily make for the most objective views. With local beatwriters and team websites (ie,, at least the biases are obvious and made known, so I don’t feel like the reporter has any hidden agenda.
I like analysis involving fancy stats and breakdowns of plays (ie, reasons people are open, reasons people are not). I hate analysis that boils down to “effort” and “chemistry” every time (not to say they’re not important). I feel I get the former on the internet and the latter on TV.
I don’t usually go to those other Lakers forums. I think the commenters here are a lot more rational and less bi-polar (ie, win one game and we’re championship caliber, lose one game and we’re a lottery team).
Lastly, I find I can’t really watch basketball games that don’t involve the Lakers without feeling a little bored. I need the emotional connection to feel like I’m not wasting my time.
Tony - SD says
Kurt – Great post. As a Laker fan – I come here for your insightful analysis, interesting comments from other Laker fans, and to get links to great information/videos, etc. scattered around the net. I think that is why most fans come to blogs – to read analysis from people who are not necessarily on the payroll of the MSM (mainstream media) and hopefully to find links to other information which they might not normally be able to find on the web.
I personally get my NBA news from television (although I stopped watching Sports Center religiously many years ago) and web sites like True Hoop, and yahoosports. Additionally, I read the LA Times every morning. I don’t read the Times to get news – by the time the morning papers comes in, I have already received the scores many times over (via the television, internet, text messages, etc.) – but I read the Times because I grew up with its columnist, like Jim Murray, Bill Plaschke and J.A. Adande. Whether or not you like these columnists, they are all brilliant writers. I don’t always agree with their takes, but at least the articles are articulate, well organized and contain a strong point of view. This in my mind is where the MSM is still in front of blogs – the quality (not necessarily the message) of the writing.
Additionally, I think beat writers are in the toughest position of all. Mike Bresnahan (Lakers beat writer) is terrific. I probably give him some credibility that I don’t give others, but I feel he has earned it through his hard work and great columns. I wish guys like Bresnahan would focus on blogging, adding to the discussion, and less on the strict world of the print media.
satiricohen says
Fox for the results and stats, true hoop for news about everything, this site , 20 second time out and the painted area and basketbawful, when he is not bashing kobe…. Nothing from the print media.
i like reading the bball bloggers who are usually more committed to the game and their teams and also, therefore, more knowledgeable and passionate about it. passion rules!
Also bloggers write like actual real people and they do not try to please the average joe. I hate when papers do that. It’s so condescending and i never get that from you and most other bloggers.
Site community is also very important – the wisdom of the visitors here, for instance, is amazing. I learn a lot just from reading the comments.
You can’t get that on traditional media or watching TV.
cyranodabum says
It’s interesting that news scoops used to come solely from ESPN or beat writers. However, I feel like lately, there are bloggers who are privy to insider information. Did TrueHoop know anything about the Gasol trade before it happened?
Are there bloggers who are cultivating relationships with team employees in order to get these scoops in the future? Will agents and team managements start using bloggers to leak information?
For analysis, hands down, Kurt, that’s where you’re golden. Between you and some of the more insightful commenters, that’s why I’m here.
Kurt says
6. I joked with Henry about that and didn’t get a real direct answer. I’m not a big believer in coincidence — I think he knew something.
Louis C. says
I usually get my breaking news from (that’s where I heard about the Pau trade), but then I go to Yahoo!’s basketball blog for analysis, then here, then TrueHoop. As for just news, it’s mainly and
kwame a. says
1) I use print, tv and internet. For print I look at the LA Times (when I’m at home). For TV I watch Laker Post-Game on FSN or KCAL and NBA Daily on NBA TV. I use internet more than anything, every morning I look at Hoopshype and Truehoop for news, and FBG for Laker commentary. I live in the (bitterly) cold dungeons of Boston, and have Leauge Pass so I watch a couple games a night.
2)I kinda just use my gut to evaluate. When I found FBG in 2005 it was just a good vibe, no off-the-court sideshow bs, good commenters, that’s really all I want. I found Henry and Truehoop from your recommendation and he ha proven to be a great source of information. I will follow links he provides to places that I would never have visited without the heads up. As far as LG and CL, I think those sites are like going to the bar after a game, without the tasty beer. When the Lakers win it’s a place to proclaim our greatness and when they lose it’s a place to scapegoat everyone from the trainer to Mitch.
Noah says
I look to a Google search of the opponent City’s newspaper to find out what they are saying. For instance, the Miami Herald piece on Kobe was great.
There is something to be said for another perspective from a writer who is not so closely affiliated with the Lakers orginization.
Other than that, I am a longtime Lakersground poster (screen name Dubaholic1). The posters there are pretty funny, and it’s always a good place to vent frustrations about blown defensive rotations, missed shots, big trades that never happened etc etc.
But Forum Blue and Gold has always been the voice of reason. It’s my happy place!
kwame a. says
PS- I also wanted to say this is the only place I have ever posted because it provides the most comfortable environment.
Brian P. says
For News I go to several sites for different perspectives: (insider as well)
Kevin Ding at OC Register
For analysis and insights:
Forum Blue and Gold (by far my most checked site) videos
Roland Lazenby
Eric Pincus (solo for the links to good articles not the commenters themselves)
I check all the chats with writers and power rankings to get multiple perspectives.
I also watch all the TNT/ESPN games to see what other broadcasters think of the Lakers.
I basically hit anything everything up to soak up what people are thinking and I like to come here and watch people discuss those same ideas. In the end I make my own opinions with the multiple insights I get in addition to my own and I am content.
Brian P. says
I second Kwame a. this also the only place I ever post (I do submit questions occasionally at the ESPN chats though)
azzemoto says
I am an East Coast Laker Fan so the daily paper here does me no good since most of the time when the paper prints the games on the west coast have not ended yet.
Here is my daily routine:
#1 ESPN for box scores and recap
#2 Forum Blue & Gold…for your breakdown and in-depth coverage of the lakers
#3 ESPN again but this time for Tru Hoop
#4 LA just to read the beat writers take on the game
#5 LA Times Lakers Blog
#6 Hoopsworld to read the latest gossip around the league
Jeff says
I frequent this site for game previews and analysis (terrific Stuff, Kurt, I can’t wait till you post the previwews each game), espn for their columnists and chats (Especially the chats), and the LA Times Laker blog during games. I know people have been known to knock them around a bit, and the…maturity level of some of the commentors can be questionable, but I love the live blogs they do, and they’ve got a really nice sense of humor. And some of their analysis is pretty good, and sometimes it’s nice to get two different opinions on the same page. Plus, it’s my one stop shop for what people around the leauge have to say about the game the next day, their extra, extra posts a good for surfing on a slow day.
Exick says
I have a bias toward LakersGround and FB&G when it comes to the web.
Gametime news I usually try to get by visiting a few blogs or forums for the opponent. I have a set of bookmarks for many of the other teams with links to their best/most active fan sites. Similar to your links on the right, Kurt, except *cough cough* somewhat fresher.
I tend to consume a lot of news from many different areas, so I have a hard time keeping on top of breaking stories by hand. That’s one of the reasons that RSS feeds have become such a huge part of my life. I’m subscribed to BallHype’s Laker feed, so I get news that way and also by relying on the good folks here and at LG who scour the headlines and drop news. I will get news from the radio when I’m in the car and something’s happening, but the rest of the time it’s via the Web. TV and print news are not a part of my daily routine.
desus32 says
i love this site for anything and everything lakers. i go to for scouting stuff and side news/videos.
for general hoops stuff or to talk lakers with fans from other teams i’m all over truehoop, the yahoo blog that was kd but is now skeets. sometimes i’ll go to fanhouse or freedarko or deadspin for stories too. and for breaking news i do go to espn…but also go to si or yahoo for general hoops news/opinions.
one guy i really like who i used to go to a lot is david dupree at usa today. that guy knows his hoops and i love his perspective/insight. i usually read his chat transcripts just to see where he is at on various hoops stories/topics.
but by far and away, this is the best laker blog out there for great insight and conversation with other informed fans. there is a reason that on truehoop or with kd’s stuff there is usually a line that reads “kurt at forum blue and gold…” this is the best place around.
Anonymous says
This is the only place I comment on – I don’t take any other blog/forum places seriously. Here there are thoughtful comments, etc.
I don’t trust any one source and generally rely on ballhype to get the all around NBA info I get and will check LA Times from time to time for injury updates.
Also the videos and Kcal 9 videos have been huge.
Kurt, you are the man for maintaining the validity of this blog.
Exick says
I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Eric Pincus and Holly MacKenzie who write Laker columns for HoopsWorld and SLAM Online, respectively.
I also use,,,, and for all my box scores and stats needs.
P. Ami says
1) I get my NBA news from ESPN (the write ups on individual games and other news) and some from the LATImes although pint media is stale and getting staler. I have enjoyed the K Brothers but they haven’t become a habit. NBA analysis, I get that from ESPN and I want to mention Truehoop because it is ESPN but very much its own thing, very much a special source. I get an RSS feed subscription from this site and FreeDarko (although I can’t abide their politics, I find the ideas coming from interesting angles). I get some news from Yahoo Sports as it applies to my fantasy league addiction. I listen to the BasketballJones’ podcast and that pretty much covers it. I watch about 15-20 games a week. I’ll catch what I can of Lakers’ games, some of the interesting match ups shown on the networks and then games that interest me for their fantasy league implications.
2) I analysis a sports writer based on expectation. Someone like Bill Simmons, I expect an entertaining column which views sports through the prism of his love for specific sports, specific teams and a specific demographic. I personally don’t watch TV and don’t like the NFL but I am entertained by his way of combining all his interests into his column. Meanwhile, I like David Thorpe because the man knows basketball at a depth I do not but can appreciate (I give this site similar credit). I can watch a player and see how effective or ineffective he is at various things on the basketball court. Thorpe helps me understand why that might be and how that player might become more effective. There are various writers for the LATImes that seem to have an ax to grind with certain players or certain teams. They also seem to think they are representing the public and serving its right to know. I have two major issues with this, as well as some minor ones.
The right we have is a right to speak and print, not to know. While this is a political issue, the sports press seems to have fallen into the same attitude at the important press. I personally don’t care about trials, crimes, advertisers, agents, sports representatives and all the rest other then how they reflect on a player’s or team’s performance. A certain player is DNP- ankle. Another player is DNP- Folsom Prison. There is little difference to me.
The press, especially for the major medias, are their own business and sometimes the agenda of one business runs counter the agenda of the other and the fans. The press today seems to think that NBA teams would get more out of putting press row right near the court. I personally think that paying fans should have the first chance at those seats. The game is played for fans.
So, writers that seem to condescend to me, or have an ax to grind with my team or sport, writers that think their job is more important then sport they cover, writers that exhibit a sense of entitlement are not interesting to me. This puts nearly all the writers at the LATimes out of my reading habit. I do miss Jim Murray.
Kurt says
16. Exick, maintaining the sidebar links is kind of the “eat your brussel sprouts” part of this blog. I know I should do it, but it’s not something I really enjoy so I put it off. Then the project gets bigger and I want to do it less, and there’s your downward spiral. Soon, though.
Geoff says
Every day I check the following sites in order:
1 – True Hoop
I actually found out about true hoop from here, I like reading all of the non-front page stories about the nba and he’s a good source, even though he’s a blazer’s fan
2 – Espn – daily dime
I like the layout of information and brief commentary
I basically go here because I don’t have cable, directv or satellite in order to watch Laker games. And even when I do get to watch them, I come here to get true analysis of what happened. Before reading this site, I had no idea what the triangle offense was, now I actually look for it in the highlights
to watch highlights and the tnt excerpts, that show is still hilarious
also, as of late, the lakers nba site is really good for providing information about opponents, recent news, and a detailed look at the players. (formerly
another site to talk laker pride
forumblueandgold is the only site where I actually try to read all the comments (which is harder lately, seems like every post is getting 100 comments these days)
I don’t read the newspaper, only online – latimes, I only watch the games shown on abc, thus the dependancy on reading about it.
most writers I don’t trust per say, just that they are giving you as an opinion bunched in with some fact. I never trust anything trade related until it’s actually happened.
I do see that more and more, I’m going to blogs to read about news related items or to be directed to those news items out there, I like the feeling of knowing there is a regular guy who likes his team and just wants to talk about them. Being in Boston, I don’t get to rant about the lakers that much without getting a barage of Celtic related conversation (of course)
reed says
Fixtures: truehoop, forumblueandgold, dwyer (wherever he is…), la times (mainly for direct laker quotes), espn (stein, ford, hollinger – though more for entertainment than substance),, tnt/barkley, leaguepass (all laker games and others here and there).
Off and on: clublakers/lakersground (if there is a lakers related rumor posted anywhere, they’ll find it and blow it up into a 100 page thread – I give it a daily stop to see what’s out there), freedarko, basketballjones, charley rosen, skeets on yahoo (miss dwyer’s 10 posts/day), simmons, ballhype, hoopsworld (their “rumors” seem to just regurgitate what has been said elsewhere), tom ziller,
paul says
scores/schedule: yahoo sports
news/rumors: realgm
laker news: lakers nation
analysis: fb&g, truehoop, espn
Ryan O says
I visit ESPN a few times a day to scan the headlines, although it seems truer and truer these days that news breaks on the blogs before the ESPN front page gets a whiff of it. is great for a daily and frequently updated compilation of all the breaking news, rumors and speculation around the league, but not for too much else. I read most of what Bill Simmons writes, but more for entertainment value than quality of analysis; while I find myself agreeing with him frequently, he’s often far too sure of his own analysis, a fault he shares with almost every other sports analyst out there. These days it seems like a lot of analysts are more concerned with having an opinion that’s unique rather than valid. As a result, I feel as though a lot of folks out there take a position that they find interesting or contrary, and then look for stuff to back it up. They let the theory shape the evidence, not the other way around.
Which brings me to why I love this site and TrueHoop so much. I’ve been an avid TrueHoop reader since before it moved over to ESPN, and Henry is pretty much the antithesis of the typical contrarian sports analyst/talking head; his analysis is always even-handed and reasonable, and he never jumps to take a position unless it’s qualified by the facts.
I would say I get the majority of my basketball info from blogs, and pretty much every blog that I frequent has been linked to by Henry at TrueHoop, including this one. In fact, I basically regard this site as TrueHoop for Laker fans. While everyone here is obviously partial to the Lakers, Kurt’s analysis is always incisive and impartial. The commenters here are also top-notch…I’m amazed by the depth of knowledge some of the regular posters exhibit. I also admire how well Kurt moderates the forum and keeps it from degenerating into a circus of rabid speculation and homerdom.
Finally (sorry for the long post), I tend to enjoy basketbawful and freedarko for more off-beat, humorous basketball info. For instance, Freedarko’s post on Turiaf a month or two back was fantastic; check it out if you haven’t read it:
Jonathan says
I most enjoy the AK and BK at the Latimes Lakerblog they put a “Bill Simmons” flavor to their writing which I enjoy. I recently have found this website and have enjoyed the pregame analysis and post game thoughts. and I use for the nuts and bolts information on the NBA, I enjoy reading the daily dime and the chats by NBA Analyst.
When I am home I watch every laker game, since I am currently at college, Purdue ( GO BOILERS), I get most of my laker fix on listening to the games with league pass and watching what games are televised.
Mino says
maily online, from Truehoop for general NBA news & latimes & their laker blog for laker news… on tv, sports center, FSN prime ticket, TNT, KCAL9’s LTV (love Big Game’s “Worthy Spin”). i truly wish i could afford NBATV… but oh well. i watch between 4-6 games/week.
avid checker of yahoo sports, espn, and, of course, forumblueandgold. I listen to a lot of laker talk on radio too, especially AM570 with Petros/Money/Hartman/MT/Vick the Brick… those guys.
thelakersnation is somewhere i look from time to time as well. love the clean layout… much like your site. i dislike the blogs that are too cluttered/have bad layout.
j. d. hastings says
To me this site is not a source of news, it’s a source of analysis. I use the LA Times blog as my primary portal for Laker news. The LA Times is probably my most trusted source of actual articles based on beat writing, etc. The Times Blog will generally point me to other web sources with novel angles to report.
I use for getting league wide news. Most of the news I get is online. I watch all lakers games and 3 or 4 other games per week, but with less focus.
Just as an aside, going into tomorrow, in the last 3 games opposing centers have shot 27-36 on us.
Jimmy says
Usually, the first site I check when I get home is’s NBA section, to see if anything major is posted. Whether there is or isn’t, I come to this site to read mainly your articles and discussions in the comments.
I used to go to, or now known as Though they gather a wide variety of Lakers news from other sites, their personal site staff’s articles are terrible. 3rd grade grammar and punctuation mistakes really blemish the professionalism of their blog, as it makes the writers seem juvenile and illiterate.
I don’t post in comments often, but I read them all. I just want to say Thank you, Kurt for this great site. However, I wish there would be more articles from you on a daily basis. Though I understand you do not do this as a full-time job, merely as a hobbie, I just would like more great articles and thoughts from, however random.
Brian Tung says
ESPN for news, but I’m not really that keyed up about learning about trades, etc. the moment they happen.
This site is where I go for discussion. Great exchanges. All you have to do is look at the comments from other sites, and you see how homer and irrational they get.
sharky says
1) I watch or record every game.
2) I read the LA Times.
3) I read Forum Blue and Gold.
4) I go to for standings only. I ignore them whenever possible.
5) I read/listen to Deadspin, The Basketball Jones, Bill Simmons and Charley Rosen almost all the time.
6) In my feedreader I have numerous other blogs and sources which I read sporadically. Truehoop, Freedarko and Lakernoise get read frequently. The rest not so much. Sometimes the Kametsky bros link to something I’ll read.
7) I tend to ignore most of the other Lakers sites as the speculation runs rampant in the forum and comment areas and the noise is simply too much. The quickest way to get something out of my RSS reader is to not control commenters that are poor in substance and writing ability.
8) I sometimes put my thoughts in my own blog ( I usually post after I have been drinking heavily and it shows.
sharky says
Oh… and of course I forgot about Inside the NBA. That’s a must for any NBA junkie. I Tivo it if I am not watching it live.
bend says
First stop: ESPN, for scores and back of the envelope analysis
next up: LA Times Laker Blog
then here
then Sportsline
then SI
then Lakersground
then InsideHoops
Mike says
1) I get my news mainly from websites like or I watch or record EVERY laker game. I have come to trust this site very much because of your accurate analysis of the lakers and the league as a whole
2)I evaluate different media based on their insight. If a writer makes a point but can not explain themselves well than i won’t bother..I also dont like writers who slam every player in the NBA or always try to go against the grain (This is why im not a big fan of Charlie Rosen on I enjoy your thoughts on the lakers as well as Eric Pincus out of
chris h says
my morning routine-
(after I check for business related emails)
but FB&G is the only site I’ve ever commented on and I enjoy the being a part of a family aspect to it.
anybody heard anything from John R lately?
these Lakers have got to be successful nowadays due to the league conspiracy to bring back the celts vs lakes
exhelodrvr says
Primary source of Lakers info is watching/listening to the games. ( and for games that aren’t televised in San Diego.) This blog and the K bros blog is where I go for amplification/analysis.,, and for box scores and stats
Kenny Smith and Marc Jackson are my favorite analysts; Stephen A. is usually pretty good, except he (at times) falls in love with his own “schtick”.
Don’t watch many games other than the Lakers.
George says
ESPN’s NBA page for scores, headlines, news.
The Basketball Jones NBA podcast for humor, insight, analysis on the NBA, and it is nice to listen while reading other sites.
Forum Blue and Gold for Lakers analysis, critique, and the commenting community.
TrueHoop since Henry seems to read and link to everything. for everything rumor related, or just general information around the entire league. (I really really like this site because it is a lot of information in one place, with great accessibility to sources in all basketball related cities)
LA Times print in the morning. The LA Times Laker blog occasionally for a different (usually I find more humorous) perspective.
Yahoo NBA blogs.
In regards to trust, I take columnist and writers assertions lightly, and often realize how they are writing stories to generate hits. When rumors are flying, I usually hit to get a better idea of the sources behind the story. I like blogs like this one since they are a refreshing style from the general article formula. ESPN talking heads like Bucher and Stephen A I do listen to, but do not at all consider to be dogma.
I try to watch as many games as I can, but do avoid teams whose play I don’t really enjoy (unless they are matched up with the Lakers). I do watch every Lakers game, even if I taped it and someone already blew it told me the score, I’ll generally still watch the game.
Mando says
my daily routine… as in every five seconds haha
Preface: i look forward to each of these equally
3) nba page
4) basketball jones podcast
5) the ball dont lie
6) i blue and gold
Ray says
Due to the magic of RSS feeds; I don’t check them in any particular order; but here are my top websites:
> Forum Blue & Gold – for the excellent posts & game previews
> Truehoop [great link aggregation, interesting insight]
> Yahoo – for KD’s hilarity
> – still my #1 source for Lakers information & discourse
> 20 second time out – love the writing, recaps & analysis
> – for Eric Pincus, LG poster turned sports writer
> – [can’t access LG @ work]
> [can’t access LG @ work, like to see what other team’s fans are saying]
> Other blogs: (usually linked by you or truehoop, or Yahoo’s 10 man rotation).
> official website/blog – HUGE improvement this year; great videos
> / / / / / / / (+blog) – more “official/traditional” websites; by the time a story’s here, its usually a legitimate news story vs. web rumor.
Now, since I’m at work most of the days, the internet blogs & message boards are pretty much my main source. I live in San Diego, and can get spotty reception from AM 570, but the ‘net is always where I hear the breaking news. If I need extra confirmation, I’ll switch the TV over to ESPN and await an “breaking news” bulletin.
Oh, and RSS feeds are GREAT; thanks for having one w/ FB&G
2) Validity/Trust?
usually the “new” stories show up on the message boards 1st (LG, CL, RealGM), or on Hoopsworld. I check the message boards and look for the established posters’ takes on the news [and they tend to know what poster’s legit and who’s not]
if it’s exciting and sexy, I refresh every website like a madman.
for national writers….
I’ll accept the factual evidence, but take all commentary with a grain of salt. writers have their biases, some pro-anti Lakers/Kobe; but it’s always fun getting both sides of the story.
Hope this helps!
Dom says
Since I live in Albuquerque, I tend to frequent the LA Times, OC Register, and Daily News to get general information about the Lakers. I frequent Foxsports/Yahoo/ESPN as well for laker updates and general NBA information. I get more enjoyment from the local LA papers and think the articles/analysis are of better quality than Foxsports/Yahoo/ESPN. However, I do enjoy studying Hollinger stats, seeing Rosen’s analyses, and reading Truehoop bullets.
But, for insightful commentary and thoughtful analysis, I depend on Forumblueandgold only. I am impressed with the level of knowledge and information from many of the bloggers that I consider reading this blog as a basketball education for a fairly ignorant fan, like me, on the x and o’s of the game.
Bob, Valencia says
I always like the Daily News writers for my newspaper type information. There is an article every day and it’s well written. I listen to the KLAC Loose Canons (until Hartman drives me away) for Michael information. And I always come to this site (“Lakers Blog” on My Favorites”. Finally for box scores and stats I go to Yahoo Sports.
Thanks for what you do.
Davirgmay says
This is interesting.
I have only been here for the last couple of months. I was trying to find out if the Jason Kidd for Kwame Brown trade rumors had any truth to them. I had heard it on talk radio. I couldn’t find anything out at or The best thing that happened was finding this blog.
Since then I have been reading everything that is written on game day and during the games. I watch all the Laker games (local pregame and postgame) that are on dish network. Very few if any others. I trust the local TV reporters more than the national ones. I read the Press Enterprise and trust the beat writers. I listen to 590 AM and 710 AM and trust their reporters.
Since I found Forum Blue and Gold I have not been anywhere else on the web for my Lakers news.
Thanks, David
chibi says
I mainly use a google-news/blog search, and sort by date for the most current info.
harold says
Let’s see…
1. for the scores and recap if i didn’t get to watch the game. due to time differences (14~17 hr difference) can’t really watch any games live. if boss isn’t present, espn gamecast.
2. for articles involving players i follow closely, which are Kobe and Kidd. Kobe i follow for obvious reasons, Kidd because he is an alum. May add Powe, Shareef to this list…
3. This site, for comments that go beyond “Kobe Rocks/Sucks” after a game. This is where i ‘hang out’ so to speak, so it’s the hub.
4. LA times Lakers Blog. Only because it has breakdowns after home games and minute-to-minute style analysis. I always like to see what others see, especially those that get to see the games in person.
5. Roland Lazenby’s. Good stuff, though updates seem to happen once in a blue moon.
6. true hoop. only when i have nothing better to do. I don’t know what it is exactly but his style irks me, especially when talking about the lakers. i like the tone he has when talking about his blazers, but otherwise…
7. some other random links thrown by FB&G, LakersBlog, etc. you don’t really understand how much you scour the net if you don’t get to watch games. you try to get everything and anything.
8. should be around 4~5, but forgot, I really like the lockerroom interviews postgame.
Southie says
I’m currently living in Kansas, so it’s tough for a die-hard fan like myself to get much press on the team outside the internet. There are four sites I have in my “Lakers” folder that I load everytime I sit at my computer chair. They are: FB&G, The LA Times Lakers Blog,’s lakers page, and The second two are mainly for score/tv listings, but often interesting things will show up there (especially the much improved lakers homepage). In my NBA Folder I have TrueHoop, NBA Experts Blog (come back Kelly Dwyer, we miss you!), Fanhouse (NBA links only), and The Basketball Jones. I also always read Roland Lazenby’s site when he updates, but I always get the link from one of the other pages. All of the sites mentioned tend to link to each other, so I never really feel like I’m missing anything, especially where it concerns Lakers news.
burningjoe says
I sort of get my news from every where…I have one folder in my favorites that is dedicated to lakers and basketball…I go thru all of that stuff every day…with FB&G being the my favorite…I think becasue it just feels more relaxed…like…I dont know…I guess I dont feel like I will be vibed if I comment. The posts from Kurt dont seem overly Biased…of course that can never come completely out of ones writing…but…he does a good job of filtering out most of his emotion…and gives the other teams plenty of play and respect. Not a lot of sites can say that they do that….Good Job Kurt!!!
I dont know if this has been posted or not…but I found it interesting…
Big Game says
I use “traditional” media like ESPN, local news, the Times, etc. to get scores and more basic information like injury updates and what not…
I seek out places like FB&G for a different analysis of the same information i have at my disposal. This has become a good home for intelligent and introspective discussion on the Lakers.
Other sites I check frequently in regards to basketball:
AOL Fanhouse – good occasional insight and a good league-wide read
True Hoop – Henry gets a bit sanctimonious for my taste, maybe thats the description Harold was looking for a couple posts above mine.
Yahoo sports
anything by Roland Lazenby
the other Stephen says
i know there are plenty of good blogs out there, but the only ones i check regularly are yours and the two clipperblogs. i check Elie Seckbach once in a while on youtube, and i watch the replays and everything on all the time. i check espn and yahoo sports about 50 times a day. i’ve heard that is pretty decked out, so i might start going there too. the only tv i watch now is espn and stuff. usually i just flip on sportscenter if i just want some noise.
Rob S. says
I live in Portland, OR so I may be a little different than some So. Cal area Lakers fans.
For my Lakers news, I use the LA Times website. For Other NBA news, I typically use either or
My favorite NBA writer is Charley Rosen on foxsports though. He’s the only national writer that I’ve found that will break down the X’s and O’s of a game. I also don;t always agree with his opinion, which makes him even more insightful to me.
There is only 1 writer that I do not like and that is T.J. Simers of the LA Times. He’s not really an NBA writer, but I do not read his stuff anymore. Every Lakers article he has ever written has been critical of Kobe in particular. I don’t have an issue with criticism, but never once has Simers written an article that was even slightly positive about Kobe. Kobe has flaws, but I refuse to read columnists that only tell one side of the story.
Since I live in Portland, I only get to watch the nationally televised Lakers games. I will also occasionally watch a Blazers game on local coverage here. As far as NBA anaylsts on TV, I love Charles Barkley (who doesn’t). Hubie Brown would be my favorite in game color commentator.
If I need X’s and O’s breakdowns of the Lakers, this is the place I always come.
Gustavo says
Main info on de lakers, I get from ESPN, and the LA Times. For other kind of stuff (more in detail game break down, predictions, etc), from your blog, Kevin Ding from the OC Register and the K brothers blog at the LA TImes and Truehoop at ESPN.
There, I look for several different things. Maybe fun stuff from practice or work outs. Maybe somehting from a game that did not appear at the game recaps. Some anecdotes (specially from the ones that travel with the teams), of this year team or other teams.
I like Charley Rosen break downs, Scoop Jackson and even the Sports Guy.
I watch at least 3 or 4 games a week. I like your blog very much and specially the game previews. Awesome job!!!
adb says
My daily routine:
1. When I’m on the throne: LA Times (hard to hold a laptop and use toilet paper at the same time). Love the beat writing (usually by Mike B.) and the “Lakers Report” section.
2. Way to work: am570 (although, it can get a bit annoying….finding myself listening to more NPR lately).
3. At work: (A) check for any screaming headlines; especially for non-basketball related things (B) Check FB&G to read game previews and analysis (C) also check the vastly improved for any videos and tidbits. Btw, I have to admit as a Season TIcket Holder…..the Lakers Organization have been doing an excellent job marketing their product. This ranges from sending emails/letters/promotional events. It seems like every year…..they make the experience a tad bit better (of course, we do pay ridiculous ticket prices so that may be the reason).
I used to check FoxSports, Roland Lazenby, etc but now I find myself saving time by waiting for it to show up in the comments section of this site:)
As for the actual games……..always listen to KCAL 9. Can’t stand ESPN/ABC announcers (except Van Gundy) b/c they repeat storylines that are more about glamour/headlines than about true analysis of the game. For some reason, I truly feel the KCAL guys are not “homers”…….really call the game as they see it.
In addition, I love to watch “Inside the NBA” for the humor and Charles’ straightforwardness. Truly one of a kind cast.
I think there is a trend to get information from blogging b/c it seems like writers nowadays have agendas or just try to make “noise” (i.e. TJ Simers, Plaschke, etc.). Although, Simmons’ humor is great…….he gives himself waaay to much props on his “analysis/predictions”. To me, it really typifies your average Bostonian.
All in all……….this site is the best! Everything from the analysis, things that make you go “Hmmm”, to the comments…..I absolutely love it. It is defintely an intelligent Lakers & NBA community site. The only thing I wish for is a version 2.0 of the site with more dynamic qualities. For example: flash, Lakers calendar, cleaned up margins, etc. (would love to offer my services if you like). This site is already great but it can really blow-up with the right changes!!
Basically……..when I boil it down…….since there is so much information in this world (print, TV, internet)……..I really gravitate to articles/opinions that make me think, learn about the game, and/or remind us that athletes are human (i.e. DJ Mbenga and Turiaf life stories).
Btw, FB&G has now gone mobile for me thanks to the iPhone.
Brian Tung says
Rob S (49): Hard to be on the fence with Simers. I like him, and I like Kobe. That means that either I’m an inconsistent moron, or I don’t think Simers is entirely serious. I’ll leave it to you to decide which.
Seriously, one has to read Simers with a sizable grain of salt. Since the AP Stylebook frowns on smileys (thank you, I’m here all week), it’s not always immediately obvious to readers how one should read him. But if you take him at face value, you’d have to conclude that he hates his son-in-law and he thinks his other daughter could take Kobe in a 3-point shooting contest. (Well, maybe she could. She’s pretty good, I hear.) He shows up on radio and TV every now and then, and he’s much more conventional then, and it’s pretty clear what his real intentions are.
He has stood up for Kobe in print in the past, incidentally. It is pretty uncommon, I’ll warrant. I suspect if you asked Kobe about Simers, he wouldn’t say a word. He’d just give you that quizzical smile with the head cocked back and the knitted brow, as if to say, “Who?”
I don’t mind Rosen as long as he sticks to X’s and O’s. But he has a tendency to think he has some great insight into human character. In my opinion, that insight has not generally been borne out. In particular, I think he misanalyzed the whole Kobe-Shaq-Phil situation, based on what we’ve seen happen since.
Brian Tung says
In case anyone didn’t see this, Memphis is expecting McKie to do more than accept paychecks for the remainder of the season:
Sounds like McKie’s up to the challenge. First game could be tonight against Philly.
laughing hard says
This site is my main source for pre-game reports, and I wouldn’t change that at all.
I read the LA Times for post-game summaries, but that usually comes after the AP report.
For commentary, I come here, as well as the Yahoo blog (missing Dwyer!), and the commentators on and
I try to watch every game, but living in Utah makes that difficult–so I usually end up watching online. Beggars can’t be choosers as far as sources =)
Rob S. says
52 – I originally thought that about Simers as well. But the more I read the more it seemed to me like he was bound and determined to embarass Kobe.
I understand taking him with a grain of salt, but it’s the same dish night after night, I love salmon grilled on a cedar plank as much as anyone (my personal favorite by the way), but after a while I’m just tired of it. WIth or without salt.
Derek Banducci says
Mostly this website, which I read via Google Reader. Also, to a lesser extent the K brothers over at the LA Times. Finally, to an even smaller extent, for video/audio if there’s something interesting happening (like the pau trade) where i want to hear an inside take on things.
i watch every lakers game and can’t get that interested in watching any other nba action unless it has meaning to the lakers.
Warren Wee Lim says
1. Hoopshype – where I get my rumors…
2. – where I check with the so-called experts the rumors…
(I subsribed to the insider service too)
3. FB&G – where I get real basketball gist and game previews.
4. Lakers Topbuzz – great fan site with updated news.
(I am a moderator there)
5. RealGM – for a fun whack time arguing with fellow fools. 🙂
muddywood says
#1 – Forum Blue & Gold (THE BEST)
#3 – PE.COM sports page. Broderick Turner is the beat writer and puts up articles with good insight like this one:
#4 – Yahoo sports
That’s pretty much my routine for my Lakers fix.
Chise says
1) My first daily visit on the internet always goes to ESPN.Com to check out the latest news/scores. I have a subscription to Insider, so I check out the Rumor Central for NBA, MLB, and NFL…in that order, regardless of the time of year. From there, I usually get links to articles from newspapers around the country. I typically only read the Lakers and Knicks stuff for NBA, but if there is something else that interests me, I’ll read it.
What is bad about ESPN Insider is they have totally revamped the Local News section and it’s terrible. I used to be able to select the sport and team and all the news articles from around the net would populate. No more. I still go to ESPN first for the news, scores, and what not, but I can get all the articles by team/sports at It’s a pretty good website that provides what ESPN Local used to.
As for games, I rarely watch anything that isn’t Lakers or Knicks. While I have liked both teams since I was like 11 or 12, I would consider myself more of a Lakers fan than Knicks fan. It’s like with the Yanks/Mets. I like the Mets, but I’m a Yankees fan. Same with NBA. I like the Knicks but I’m a Lakers fan. Anyhow, mostly I only watch Laker games cuz I can’t stand watching the Knicks play with no heart (minus Lee/Crawford/Balkman/Nate). I have watched all Laker games the last few years except a few (I have league pass).
2) I mostly read stuff from beat writers (links I see from ESPN or ProSportsDaily). I guess I give them a certain amount of trust automatically. I generally just read most of the articles and don’t really place a value on the opinion. By that I mean that I’m just looking for articles on my team to read and not necessarily looking for “the scoop” or whatever. I generally just want to know what’s going on with the team, front office, inuries, etc. During the offseason and near the trading deadline, the articles are more speculative and I guess I take it as such (as in not really assuming it’s the golden truth).
I don’t really read any blogs/fan sites but this one. I have really enjoyed the discussion and like that the trade talk/speculation is really curbed here. It’s tough in the offseason because nothing really interesting usually happens aside from the speculation. I just like talking basketball and seeing what others think and since I’m in Connecticut, I don’t really know many Laker fans so this is a great outlet to discuss all things Lakers.
notgalahad says
Primarily, which leads to OC register, LA daily news, etc. and other sports websites (Sporting News,, etc.) I don’t do blogs very often because there are too many extremely biased rants. Even here you’ve got a few “rantettes,” but for the most part this blog has some interesting analysis and insights. Of all the national columnists, I have to say I like Adande at and Marty Burns at for their unvarnished take on NBA reality. One of my least favorite is Peter Vecsey at the, because he seems to be just another cynical anti-Laker columnist that can find nothing good in all things Lakers. I appreciate the more balanced and analytical views of both journalists and bloggers alike, without either the idolatry or the vitriol.
Will says
CLUBLAKERS.COM BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WillBeamen says
1) It’s as far as giving information on the lakers whether it be newspaper articles from the likes of latimes and ocregister. It also showcases links for forums and other websites such as and Great source for keeping the lakers hungry fan feed.
*Without it I wouldn’t have found out about the always enjoyable lakers forumblueandgold*
Other than FB&G
LA Times Lakers Page
TrueHoop….Been a religion for me since 2005
Has all the links to all of the good stories around. You don’t even need an RSS feeder with Henry around.
Free Darko…It was at it’s best during the 2006 season though
I was loving KD on Yahoo, until they took him away. What the heck is the deal with that? Don’t get me wrong though…I love Skeets for the humor, but Kelly was really getting in depth with the analysis like no other blogger on the net.
NBA Fanhouse-Ziller, Watson, Edwards and CO are still holding it down hardcore over there.
Eshan says
Most of my Lakers news comes from yahoo sports. They usually moniter the various news providers and its a good place and easy to access source for NBA and Laker info.
When it comes to trusting writers/reporters, there are two categories of work: News and opinion. News is factual, whether it be trade news or an interview or just game results. Opinions can be anything from game critique to predictions and assessments to a writers interpretation and commentary on a person or event. I usually like to read all sides of an issue in order to form the best opinion on it, but if I find a certain source to be completely outlandish or biased, I tend to read it less. Most Kobe stuff gets read, the interesting Laker stuff does too, and the essential NBA news gets read.
Youtube also is a fantastic way to see the real deal with interviews and replays and fun stuff, like Shaq and Bill Walton’s recent verbal duel. Another goodie is the Lakers site, a good primary source for Laker opinions by those closest to the team.
Kurt says
Thank you all so much for the love for this blog. It really does mean a lot to me. But I don’t think I can say often enough how much all of you teach and inform me and my opinions, how much fun you all make this for me. It’s a great community.
Thanks also for the insight and telling me where you go for info. I think some interesting themes emerged.
Gils_Keloids says
1) Television: NBATV, KCAL, TNT – Web sites: This one, Yahoo!NBA Blog,, LA Times Lakers Blog, OC Register, ESPN True Hoop,, Fox Sports Charley Rosen, – How many games do you watch a week? Every Lakers game plus one other random game
2) I’m attracted to technical analysis, and writers with a skeptical view toward stats. I think a beat writer can get closer to the mood of the team and get better quotes. I like columnists with a sense of humor, and can be objective about Kobe without being derogatory. I like to see detailed notes, like at Forum Blue and Gold and the OC register, notes that you just don’t get in the game recap from the AP, the things you would miss if you weren’t at the game. I think Kevin Ding is excellent, and John Hollinger is blinded by PER.
Bryan says, for all your basic stories. I loathe, except for The Sports Guy. When Simmons does an NBA column, instead of a Boston column, it’s gold.
I got to hoopshype for salary info more often than I can justify.
Not mentioned above, but something I’ve enjoyed lately is Kareem’s blog at His anatomy of a sky hook from 2/6 is really neat – it had me trying it out step by step in my living room.
carter blanchard says
My regular routine:
FB&G, NBA Fanhouse, TrueHoop, Ballhype (surprised people here don’t seem to use it too much), ESPN’s NBA page, Dwyer (pop up somewhere soon!) and now Skeets, and FD are my mainstays.
I’ll watch Sportscenter, Final Score, or NBAtv for highlights occasionally, Inside NBA. If home I’ll read the LA Times, otherwise just online if it’s linked somewhere.
For some reason I haven’t incorporated the other Lakers sites into my routine, but that could change.
Games a week: All Lakers live or recorded, about half of the Warriors’ games, a couple headlining matchups during the week (like one of the two TNT games on Thursdays), and sporadically parts of random games on LeaguePass if I have time and it features one or both of the following: Hawks, Suns, Hornets, Blazers, Magic, Jazz, Celtics, Cavs. (Usually comes out to around 4-7 games a week I’d say)
harold says
my dream site for Lakers information would have the following:
1. pre-game analysis like yours. with the addition of favorite X/Os used by each team (so i can try to recognize it throughout the game)
2. gamecast like espn’s, although they still need to fix the team offensive rebounds/defensive rebounds thing. their stat page on gamecast could use TOs, BAs, and +/- so I don’t have to follow their link to the box score.
3. play-by-play breakdowns, with a knowledgable, dedicated writer who knows the team’s tendencies that point out subtle gaffes and subtle nice plays that casual fans may miss. “Pau’s faking a cut allowed Kobe to get more space, so it’s almost an assist” stuff like that.
4. After game interviews, text preferred as i can’t audio in office 😛
5. supportive, level headed community
6. individual stats for players on our team, like the ones that show shooting percentage for each area of the court.
7. breakdown of turnovers – offensive fouls, lost ball, bad pass, 3 seconds, travelling… I’m far more lenient on turnovers due to offensive fouls than i am on TOs caused by travelling, for example.
8. passes that would’ve been an assist 90% of the time
9. video highlights/breakdown of key play(s) of the game
10. chatting room for instant feedback
Mike says
I like this one even though I just found it not too long ago.
Another one of the better BK blog out there is 20 Second Timeout. He’s outstanding and pretty fair.
Two other writers that I enjoy are John Hollinger & David Thorpe. They try to back up their opinion w/ some sort of evidence. I’m really not into the Bill Walton School of analysis.
Lakersground is just for fun. People complain way too much but somehow it’s rather therapeutic.
bradnewley says has a much better rumors page than hoopshype does, at this point. hoopshype used to be better but insidehoops has a much smarter selection of highlights and it’s now updated much earlier in the morning
I [heart] Ronny says
I used to check out this blog when Lamar Odom was posting on it. I thought his insight into the team was very interesting, him being a player in the team and all.
Now that Lamar has been discredited, though, I check out This is a great blog. It’s from a guy named Aga who picks who he thinks the winner will be each night of EVERY NBA game!!! Can you think of any other place that does that? This guy is unbelievable. He chose the winner of the Warriors-Nets game three weeks ago with 20 seconds left in the 4th. Classic. Just plain CLASSIC!!!
Goo says
just to throw out another site i think everyone needs to add to their bookmarks (i’m pretty sure my sports folder now has like 79 links after reading through these comments) is, it basically aggregates a bunch of user-submitted news/blog articles… it’s kind of new right now and not many people comment but i could see it really taking off
First_time_poster! says
I have three main sites I visit daily
Forumblueandgold for the awesome analysis and commentary.
La times Lakers blog for info, commentary, a bunch of links, and the K bros. for links/info
I also frequent for info, boxscores and audio streaming of games.
Filip says
As I am from Poland (that’s in Eastern Europe if anybody doesn’t know;) I don’t have other access to lakers news than through the sites – lately I managed to catch some Laker games via streaming sites, but usually it’s just a set of sites I read for various reasons:
1) Lakers blog at Latimes – I really like what Kamenetzky brothers are writing, along with loads of links that direct me to other fun stuff (I think it is thanks to their site I’ve seen for the 1st time “Tacos” by DJ Mbenga:D
2) Forum obviously – as per your intentions, I read your blog because of the analysis and in-depth look at the team and the game, not for the breaking new. I agree with most of your views (e.g. that the D is the key to the team’s success before Bynum’s injury) and I particularly enjoy your previews, though I must admit, I’d like to read recaps of matches with some analysis too.
3) SportshubLA – for some nice articles from time to time
Also, for reasons unrelated to the Lakers, I frequently visit these sites:
1)TrueHoop – do I really have to write why?
2) Basketbawful and HardwoodParoxysm – despite their hatred for Lakers and KB particularly, I enjoy their writing from time to time, and well, know when the Lakers are destined for success, I think I’ll really enjoy their venting:)
3) Yahoo sports blog – I enjoyed more Kelly Dwyer’s writing, but JE Skeets also manages to interest me sometimes. Nice piece of writing
4) Bethelehem Shoals at Sporting News – intelectual, insightful, interesting every time.
So this is it. All the best to you and keep up the good work;)
drrayeye says
I always read the LA Times
I almost always read the entries to FB&G
I listen to am570 in the afternoon (less often am710)
I watch box scores and gather other information on ESPN online
I watch Laker games at The Barkely and Chalies Trio in South Pasadena–they give me my diet cokes and leave me alone to prepare a comment for Kurt.
If I’m looking for a “story,” I prowl the internet to most of the suspects mentioned above. I very occasionally exchange emails or indirectly gather information from the players/management.
I like to write and comment–but I wouldn’t do basketball anywhere else.
nnd says
I read this site for almost all my Lakers info. For general nba stuff its Truehoop. I go to espn for Thorpe and recently JA. If im looking for more info on something ill go to which is great. The television is pretty useless to me for real solid info other than breaking news. Freedarko, basketbawful, and a few other blogs i go to for analysis and generally interesting/funny things to read about the league. In short YOU RULE.
nnd says
The problem with ESPN and other more mainstream spots is that the analysis is so shallow. It’s the kind of thing i hear at the office around the water cooler. Sites like this and the Clipperblog are like smack for people like me. I cannot get enough.
Daniel Sagal says
Kurt, I’m thrilled that you asked this question and I’m looking forward to your article on the matter. I’m sure that you know that I write on my own and try to make my voice and opinion heard but I definitely make sure to stop by your page every single day. Your work is great and as a Lakers fan I have to give you the respect that you deserve as a great writer.
As a fan of the best franchise in the world, and basketball in general, I have a full routine to my day. I generally check first. I will find most important NBA headlines, read a few chat transcripts, rumor central, NBA local, and whatever other interesting things are out that day, ie. power rankings. Then I open a new tab with and read up on rumors there. I then move over to this website to get farther into Lakers news and talk. And finally, I stop over at my own blog at and put together my thoughts. Although I don’t get anywhere near the traffic that you do, and hardly any comments, I enjoy writing on a topic that I am passionate about and hope that one day I will have interested readers like yours come to me. However, I would never wish to take away from your website because this is truly THE BEST Lakers site on the web. I wish you all the luck in the world and look forward to the continuation of a great Lakers season. Good luck with you growth and development and as writer and blogger!
nnd says
One more post, last one i swear. I determine what to read/listen to/watch based on a feeling of depth. I just dont get that at most places. With sites like this one and clipper blog and a bunch of other blogs i feel like there is no reason to look at the main stream stuff. You guys are probably killing espn for people who come here. They just cannot compete for REAL analysis. I mean, didnt mike tirico (who i actually like) say that luke was brought in for his defense during the heat game. It feels like the guys on my tv yelling at me about the game i love dont even watch 90 percent of what they talk about.
Xavier says
my everyday routine is:
1- ESPN for recaps and highlights, read some columns
2- TrueHoops
3- Depending on the day have a look at PowerRankings at SI, ESPN, Race to MVP…
4- Gossip time at Hoopsworld, HoopsHype and RealGM
5- Check out forumB& people’s comment
6- Have a look at stats researches to see this week noteworthy stats
7- Feed my spanish NBA website,
Xavier says
oh, forgot to mention my favourite blogs part from this.
Gil’s Blog, The painted area and, Soooooo damn great
Rene says
For NBA news , I check out ESPN’s NBA page, Daily Dime, and Truehoop. I enjoy this site for more in-depth Laker info.
Albert says
I am in Taiwan, so I dont get to see too many Lakers game here. So I read as much about Lakers as I can, and pcik up some highlights.
I check out ESPN, Yahoo sports, LA times, and SI. But I think you are the most insightful of all. Some columnists are too opinionated without in-depth understanding, or with too much personal preference. For example, there is this columnist, TJ Simers. He is a total Kobe-hater, and does not normally provide any insight to the turmoil in Lakers’ management or personnel conflicts.
I also appreciate how you analyze the weakness in defense, and how they run the pick-and-roll…. I would not be suprise some columnists or sports writer, or even broadcast people get information from you blog.
weston says
1) My main source of NBA-wide news is ESPN’s NBA webpage. I check out the scores, Daily Dime, and I’m on TrueHoop all day. Through TrueHoop I found Kelly Dwyer, JE Skeets, and Deadspin, which I check everyday. I guess what I like is NBA analysis with plenty of humor and idiosyncrasy thrown in.
For Lakers info, I hit LA Times for the Laker Report (Bresnahan knows what’s up). I then come here to read your thoughts and the reader comments. Then I check the BasketBlog for anything further.
drrayeye says
Rising Sun reports:
“Steve Nash likes O’Neal’s progress: ‘His hunger is still there,’ Nash says.”
Comment: Hunger was never Shaq’s problem.
KurkPeterman says
1. I’m pretty much a Lakers junkie who takes in as much information as possible, be it Newspapers (Online), TV, Blogs, and live games. I watch every Lakers game and try to catch at least a few other games a week. I go whenever possible (usually during Suns matchups as my girlfriend is a huge Phoenix fan) and have made it to 3 game so far this year. On to the sources:
-ESPN (Insider) [Online] – they do a good job at broad coverage and have a bunch of content. Insider is a must if you don’t want to be blocked from articles.
-LA Times, Riverside PE, NBA Rumors (ESPN) [Online] – I like reading newspapers for the well written articles and player/coach quotes (albeit, sometimes out of context), but haven’t read a paper version in many years.
-KCAL, FSN West (Lakers Pre/Post-Game) [TV] – always catch the pre/post-game shows for the interviews (sometimes has decent analysis from Big Game James).
-Forum Blue And Gold, TrueHoop, LA Times Lakers Blog [Online] – I don’t ready too many blogs, but inevitably find my self jump to others via links. The three regulars I listed get me by on all the Lakers content I need.
-ESPNHD, TNTHD [TV] – the glory of high-def basketball, where seeing that extra court makes all the difference. I usually end up watching the Wed/Fri ESPN games and try to never miss Thu TNT.
-Inside the NBA, NBA All Access [TV] – Ernie, Kenny, and Charles are great fun to watch. I also try and catch All Access when I see it on ESPN or NBATV. I love seeing the player stories and all the behind the scenes, mundane stuff. [Online] – the scouting report section is pretty good and it’s kind of fun answering the trivia questions and guessing the stat leaders. The main reason I head to the site is for the video content and official Lakers blog. They’ve really stepped it up this year as far as content and are doing a great job at building the official website Lakers community.
2. I have to say that most of the time I’m looking for information and interesting articles, not necessarily analysis (although the two put together well makes for a deadly combination). I trust information that is reported as fact on either TV or Newspaper. I find that most TV and headline online rumors end up being content filler, so I take them all with a grain of salt. I don’t necessarily think that my allegiance to mainstream media on the trust factor has to do with anything more than that they’ve gained credibility over time.
81 Witness says
Hoopshype pulls from other blogs and mass media articles that I do not have access to in Sacramento. I.E. The LA Times, Press Enterprise, etc…
Also Truehoop with henry Abbot because his articles are interesting. Good luck with your blog.
I [heart] Ronny says
Hey seriously, after seeing all these posts about your everyday routines, I have concluded an absolute truth: ya’ll need to get a life!
Travis Y. says
Very interesting topic Kurt,
I was thinking along the lines of this topic the other day. Maybe a site that would post Laker relevant articles. Like the recent article on Kobe or some badly needed insight from Roland Lazenby. So if someone has the time get on that. But back to the topic.
I usually head to espn’s nba scoreboard and read the Laker’s recap and then the box scores b/c I’m in a few fantasy leagues.
Next, I head to FBG …digression… I really don’t know how I fumbled my way onto this site. I think I was looking for some serious Laker news and conversation and tried some other sites. Not very insightful and bland. Then I luckily found this site and haven’t left. The commentators are mostly witty and analytical and often show the emotion that all Laker fans should have. We live and die with this team and want to express ourselves so that others can feel our passion and hopefully gain it in the process. Kurt’s breakdowns are great and I appreciate the work he puts into this site. I appreciate the effort of exchanging messages with other team’s bloggers and it gives some commentary on the good and bad aspects of a team’s year. Something you definitely don’t get by just looking at the standings.
I absolutely LOVE Bill Simmons’ work on ESPN for entertainment and the passion that he brings to his writing. He definitely writes a lot about pop culture and basketball…hey two things i love no wonder i enjoy his writing… and I agree with other commentators that he does fancy his own opinion and writes againgst the common thread but I like that and is the reason I’m reading him rather than other writers.
Other writers that I fancy are…
-David Thorpe
Excellent insight who knows so much about the game and its little nuances. Definitely more nuts and bolts topics about the game like the form of a shooter and little ways a player is succeeding like his breakdown on Andrew Bynum. Just excellent work.
-Marc Stein
-Roland Lazenby- love his columns b/c he has inside info with Tex and great analysis.
-JA Adande
Finally, I read the LA times and love the work Bresnahan does covering the Lakers. I often wonder how he’s able to crank out an article everyday. I would love to have his job.
And I watch as many Laker games on KCAL and FSW that I have the time for. I value Stu’s opinion and really miss Chick Hearn.
Dom says
Are you going to share with us the resulting themes you have gathered?
jodial says
Well, first of all, I try to make sure I watch the games!
FB&G is my favorite for analysis, and has by far the most intelligent commentary…none of the other blogs or fansites really made me feel interested in taking part. But I still appreciate that it’s a forum for fans.
I read the LA Times, check in online with the Times Laker blog, and this year I’ve started checking in with, they have really stepped it up. I’ll look at the Yahoo NBA page for quick scores since that’s what I have as my default home page. And sometimes I’ll hit the sidebar links to check what else is out there (Basketbawful, Slam, Jones on the NBA, etc.)
Also I like reading the out of town sports pages now and then.
Kareem’s new blog is pretty cool too!
Since my wife is expecting our first, though, my routine may change a LOT next season……
Craig W. says
I think I will bookmark this thread. It has so many places to get information that I must have it around. I was the 2nd poster here and, reading the other comments, I have added some links for my continuing NBA education. Thanks!
Kurt says
91. There will be a post or two on this and broader topics during All Star weekend. So much information, it’s a little hard to get my head around, but some great stuff coming in.
Mark Davidson says
I read hoops hype, and hoopsworld daily. I go to ESPN which includes true hoop. This is the only blog I follow.
I find the author to be fair, informative and he has directly answered my questions more than once. What more can a reader want.
Underbruin says
Kurt – I think this is a very interesting idea, and I hope you get a lot of great info from it. As to my own answers, a little late though they may be.
1) I generally stop here at FB&G for Lakers info. is also useful, as is the AOL Fanhouse when they mention the Lake-show. On television I’ll watch ESPN / 2 and FSN periodically throughout the day. Usually, I’ll watch the majority of the games that are on during the week, depending on how busy the team’s schedule is.
2) I feel that trust can be earned pretty quickly. When I read a site that makes a fair amount of sense in its visible front-page posts, that gives me a good reason to believe it’s worth at least coming back to check out again. I don’t feel specific institutions such as print media automatically deserve more or less trust than a blog. If anything, they sometimes have financial concerns that make them less trustworthy because they have to keep in mind that the team is their ‘meal ticket,’ so to speak.
lafleur says
I use this sight, ESPN, Fox Sports, and which is basically a collection of articles about the Lakers from newspapers all over the country.
phaser21 says
LATimes and pre- and post-game shows on radio for general news; Yahoo Sports for standings, stats; Hollinger and Sagarin for computer rankings.
jamesb says
Travis Y. says
That is an excellent website lafleur, thanks for the heads up.
Emma says
1. NBA info: From ESPN and Yahoo. Mostly Yahoo. I like their clean interface. I also have an ESPN widget on my Dashboard. I currently don’t have a TV, but I download all the games that the Lakers win. Sorry, can’t handle losses 🙁
2. I’m paranoid, so I wouldn’t say I completely trust anyone, but I take into consideration all sources. I tend to like sportswriters who aren’t obviously biased towards the home team, even if that home team is the Lakers or my UCLA Bruins. I’m pretty obsessed about the Lakers and the NBA (when it involves the Lakers), so I’ll browse all the sites out there, and depending on what I’m looking for at the time I’ll go to different sites. If I’m looking for in-depth analysis, I come here or go to TrueHoop, if I’m looking for a laugh, I read Gilbert Arenas, DeadSpin, FreeDarko, etc. These examples are by no means exhaustive!
For the Lakers specifically, I check this site, the L.A. Times (the blog there links to all other major pubs as well, so I go to those by proxy), and SportsHubLA. I check the Lakers’ positions on ESPN’s various rankings daily.
Emma says
PS: Can I ask this here? What happened to Alan Massengale (sp?) on KCAL?
websclan says
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