Yeah, you read that title right. Forum Blue & Gold has started a fantasy basketball league and you can be part of it. Sadly, not all of you, but if you’re reading this now, click this link and see if you were one of the first 15 people to join my 16 team league. You’ll need the league ID (108833) and the password (showtime) but after that, you should be able to create a team and join the league. (As an aside, I chose 16 teams because anything bigger than that wouldn’t leave many free agents to choose from which makes for a less fun league. If I need to expand the league or create a 2nd one, I’m open to that, but we’ll see if any of that is necessary based of the response.)
Mind you, you’ll be playing for second place as I refuse to allow any of you to beat me. Since I’m the commish, I’ll just keep changing the settings to ensure my victory (I kid, I kid – well, kind of). Anyways, click the link and have some fun with us during the season. Every once and a while I’ll post our standings and the winner will have some bragging rights (and maybe a prize that I haven’t yet thought of).
Update: Out of demand, I have created a second league. I’ve already filled some of the spots with people that expressed interest in the comments, but there are still a handful of spots left. They’re open to whoever gets in there first. Here is the link again. You’ll need the League ID: 113274 and the Password: popcornmachine. The draft will be a live draft, Wednesday at noon. If you can’t make the draft, just set your rankings and your picks will be chosen by the fantasy machine (which is a great team name, by the way).
UPDATE #2: There are still a few spots open in the original league formed. Some folks dropped out and you can replace them. Here is the link. All you need is the ID: 114819 and password: showtime.
Darius Soriano says
For those wondering about the format, categories, etc…
*It’s a head to head league with 16 teams.
*The Roster Positions are: PG, SG, SF, PF, C, Util, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, BN
*The Stat Categories are: Field Goals Made (FGM), Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throws Made (FTM), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Offensive Rebounds (OREB), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO), Personal Fouls (PF)
Luis says
Awwm i’m late already!!! NOOOOO
Darius Soriano says
#2. I can create a 2nd league if a lot of folks miss out. This is the first year that we’re doing this so it’s kind of an experiment to see how interested people are. If I get a lot of feedback that people would still like to join, I’ll create another league by the end of the day and update the post. Just check back later.
Xavier Sánchez says
Opening week against the Boss?
be gentle
Darius Soriano says
No mercy, Xavier. No mercy.
Paul says
Geez, I check this blog at least 5-10 times day (every moment at which I don’t want to study), and I was too late! I’m interested in a second league, Darius.
Sedale says
I’m SO glad that I’m late for this. This would have ruined the next half year of schooling for me!
Snoopy2006 says
Even though I’m not a part, this definitely sounds fun. It’ll be interesting to see which of the writers/regulars on this site are amateur Mitch Kupchaks, and which would be better off joining Isiah down at FIU. Standings should be regularly posted, so people have to battle for pride and for avoiding public humiliation.
Out of curiosity, who’s in the 16 team league?
kareeme says
I am interested.
James says
hey I’d love to join another league
Zephid says
We should have a league which is by invitation only with forum regulars. A perk for being a repeat customer and a respected commenter, let’s say. That way we won’t have a bunch of randoms with Darius.
Gil says
i’d also be interested.
tsuwm says
Zephid, would you like to have my spot? if so, we can arrange a rendezvous where I can release it and you can grab it.
chibi says
roto > h2h
Zephid says
13, thank you for the offer but I wouldn’t wanna do that to you. I was just thinking I’d be more interested if I had some rapport with the players.
Darius Soriano says
I’ve played both, but preferred H2H a bit more. Roto was fun, but I liked the competition against a specific team each week. Although I’ve definitely had those weeks where I got hosed because of an injury or two.
Darius Soriano says
I can definitely create another league for long timers. That would definitely be fun, too. Email me and copy some of the old school guys and we’ll see what the response is.
passerby says
reply rate here in fb &g is pretty slow. we need to pump-up those numbers. let the season begin!
off-topic darius, i read in ss&r from dexter that lamar ought to shoot the 3 less for a given number of reasons like driving and rebounding. after seeing the preseason, though not putting much premium on it, i feel lamar can take the same number, if not a tat more than he did last year. i think this can be a valuable asset other than him driving to the other side instead of going left.
Darius Soriano says
I agree with Fishmore in that LO should concentrate more on scoring in the paint rather than chucking from deep. There needs to be more balance in his game, and by that I mean his 3 point rate should be closer to 18-20% of his total attempts rather than the 25% from last year. But (and this is a major but), there are a variety of ways that LO can find that balance and we must also acknowledge that there are going to be fundamental X’s and O’s issues that keep LO on the wing and shooting from deep.
First and foremost is the fact that LO is a primary offensive initiator whenever he’s on the floor and when he shares the court with Kobe and/or Bynum/Gasol, there won’t be a lot of room in the paint for LO to operate. Odom has done a good job of finding those lanes to the hoop and finding space to camp on the block, but as Kobe gets healthier and goes into the post more (not to mention Artest being in the post more) we may very well see Odom suffer by being relegated to the wing more often.
Also, I’ve mentioned Odom in the post, and I actually think that the low block is where he should put his focus rather always trying to beat his man off the dribble to get to the rim. If 65% of Odom’s attempts are going to come from within 15 feet, he needs to get those shots in a variety of ways (say one third each of driving, posting, and cutting off the ball).
wendy says
i read the forum everyday but have never commented but just wanted to let you know im a huge fan of fb&g and it made my day to get that last 16th spot in the league! thanks for setting it up!
-wendy (3peat)
Marc says
Oh man, was interested in joining but I’m too late to the party. I’m interested in another FB&G league if you make a second one..
passerby says
thanks darius! pretty much available, you are. are you a full-fledged/time sports writer already?
danny says
Please make a second league.. A Lot of us want to join but the league is full.
sT says
Darius, I would be interested also in playing here at FB&G, that would really add to the fun and excitement.
Tmax says
Hi everyone. I am a regular reader but have not done much commenting.
Some people mentioned wanted to know who was in the league and I was able to get one of the spots. Born and raised in Mission VIejo, CA but am currently in grad school at the University of Illinois.
I have been here for two months and am already sick of the bulls.
Pat B says
One or two more leagues would be nice!
Fazman says
Hi all. Am also a regular reader who does not do much by way of commenting (live in Oz, follow the Wiz, and tend to read a lot of the truehoop blogs), but would be very keen to join another fantasy league.
Looking forward to it if it gets off the ground! and yes i’ll probably be the sap that picks arenas.
the other Stephen says
25) Tmax, I sympathize with you: I went there for grad school too. Champaign’s a long way from sunny CA. Not necessarily in terms of distance, but in terms of cornrows and complete isolation.
harold says
argh, late 🙁
small asian penis-man says
Yeah, i was late too. But it would be awesome if Darius sets up another league and/or we have an FB&G-only league or two or even three if there’s enough demand. I haven’t played fantasy Bball in a couple of years but I still know my stuff. Darius/Jeff/Ghost of Kurt please sir may we have another!
Charles says
I don’t post much but I do read often and I was also disappointed I couldn’t get in – sign me up for another if one starts up!
Darius Soriano says
RE Fantasy stuff, I’ll get in touch with some of you that have shown interest. There won’t be enough room for everyone, but I’ll try to get as many folks into the second league as possible.
Also, our morning links are up.
TyMotor says
Been refreshing the post for two days waiting for a new ID and password to get into the next game. Hit me up when you got one Darius!
Darius Soriano says
#33. Check your email.
Gringo camia says
Is there a new league?
Darius Soriano says
#35. There is. Read the update at the bottom of the post.
Shail says
Awesome! Thanks Darius, this’ll be fun.
harold says
beh, late again.
Darius Soriano says
I’ve updated it again. Look at the bottom. Good luck!
Gary in Big D says
I may have to drop out, I’m afraid my team just may be too awesome for this level of competition.
Tenacious G out
harold says
I think I’m fated to be an observer. Late again, argh.
not in pre-draft mode, not available. heh.