In this installment of Laker Film Room, I take a look at Brandon Ingram’s frenetic pace at the point guard position, how he thrived off of the ball in the first half, and how a steady diet of ball screens made his life difficult in the second half. I also review Josh Hart’s bounce-back game the 4th quarter defense that clinched the win, and give shoutouts to Julius Randle, Larry Nance, Jr, and Brook Lopez.
The goal of Laker Film Room is to provide Lakers fans with consistent, thoughtful content that helps you enjoy the game on a deeper level. I’m able to do that because I don’t work for a publication that demands that I cover the most sensational material, which typically gets the most views and clicks. As a result, I rely on the support of Lakers fans to help me produce my work. If you believe in what I do, please considering support my work on either Venmo or Patreon.