Something to look for in this one — where are the Lakers getting the ball to Kobe and Lamar early. On the block, like early in game one, or out on the perimeter like late in that game. If the Suns are overplaying to keep the ball out of their hands in the block, there are easy passes to make to open guys (and then they have to hit the shots).
By the way, help me out a little, I’ll be at work through the first quarter or so of this game, so I’ll be counting on all of you to provide me the color I’m missing live (but will rewatch on TiVo later).
Kurt says
Good Grief, how late is TNT going to be to getting to this game? At least in LA we have Chanel 9 to watch…
Exick says
45 minutes to (scheduled) tip time and they’re halfway through the 3rd in the preceding game.
Exick says
P.S. Bulls are pulling away, leading by 17.
Kurt says
My Gamecast may be slow on the first game, I thought it was worse.
kwame a. says
Bulls look good, Lakers could learn a thing or two about helpside defense and consistent effort.
Rob L. says
If any Laker does foul Barbosa hard, expect a Flagrant One to be called. Last night in Detroit and just now in Chicago, plays that were solid fouls during lay ups resulted in the offensive player hitting the floor. The officials called Flagrant One against the defense in both cases.
I hope the coaching staff has informed the team to expect this so they don’t blow up at the call.
Kurt says
Wade is 5-13 right now, is it him being off or the Bulls defense?
Exick says
That was my other concern with the idea of hard fouling Barbosa, Rob. With the way the games are refereed, and especially with the way Phoenix flops, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a hard foul embellished enough to convince a ref to call a flagrant.
Exick says
After watching that sequence, let’s not learn from the Bulls how to work for the last shot in a quarter.
Ireland says the Lakers are going to pound the ball inside to walton whenever Barbosa is on the floor guarding him.
Exick says
Good news. They should think about pounding it into Odom whenever Marion is on him too.
Kurt says
I agree, pound it on Barbosa. We have to use the size advantage and mismatches.
Now, will Dallas use that strategy?
kwame a. says
Walton has to watch out for offensive fouls, Phoenix equates good D with flopping.
kwame a. says
Man I wish we got Sefolosha, hes gonna be good
warren (philippines) says
a little outside the playoffs…
JONESONTHENBA commented in the prior post about my thoughts on the Kirilenko guy. I think his package has a better chance of pushing through. I must say It was my major thought yesterday but I didn’t want to part with Walton unless a Jermaine Oneal or a KG is in the deal. Bynum and Walton are key pieces to this team too. However, if parting with Walton would mean AK, I must concede.
Goo says
the eternal you watch the game on kcal or tnt? i can never decide and i always feel like i’ll miss something if i choose incorrectly
AM says
Nothing easy around the rim tonight …
AM says
On that last dunk by Amare, Kwame just stood in the middle of the lane looking at Amare when Luke went out to cover the three point line. It’s one thing to rotate too slowly, but it’s another to not rotate at all!
When Chick was alive I used to think it was bad luck to watch the game on any other station than KCAL.
The pace of the game so far is to the suns advantage. The Lakers need to slow it down and look inside!
Kurt says
How is Amare getting all these shots? (Man, I hate being stuck at work.)
Kurt: Amare’s getting easy buckets because of poor rotations by the Lakers.
Goo says
poor p/r defense as well is leading to amare shots (what else is new?)
AM says
Farmar almost drew the third on Barbosa, who bit hard on Jordan’s shot fake … they need to draw another foul on Barbosa with haste! What are they waiting for?
Goo says
AM..for him to heat up first apparently
AM says
OK, Barbosa is eating the Lakers alive. He has been playing with 2 fouls since relatively early in the 1st quarter. The Suns have no qualms against putting Smush/Shammond in mismatches against bigger players … apparently we do. Try to draw a charge on him then. Something! He is just running layup drills at this point.
Dude, where is Ronny? Why is Smush even playing? Why are we playing Brian Cook? Where are the Starters?
Maaaan Barbosa is good!
CTDeLude says
Looks like pounding the ball inside was all a pipe dream. One that quickly has become a nightmare.
We’re a long way closer to done now folks.
warren (philippines) says
I hate to say it but…. We’re kinda losing ?? Aaarghh
Giopurle says
Hate to say this but Phil is playing the wrong guys right now!!!
Goo says
this is what i was worried game 1 would end up being…
Giopurle says
Hey Phil… are you sure that… “WE KNOW WE CAN PLAY WITH THIS BALLCLUB?”
warren (philippines) says
game / set / match.
off to game 3 guys…
Jimmy says
Man.. I am so disappointed in the Lakers. I had thought this game would be the bounce-back game, but so far, not good. I really, really hope Lakers can pick it up from now on, but 20 point lead isn’t that easy to catch up to even if they “turn it on.”
warren (philippines) says
at this pace Phoenix will score 130 points. Lakers will score around 90.
warren (philippines) says
pardon my disgust, but LA cant even win even with 6 guys on the floor right now.
Kwame Brown has all of the moves, but can’t hit a damn lay up.
I’m really starting to feel for Kobe. He’s really out there by himself.
I’ll say it again: Where is Ronny?
warren (philippines) says
at this point, Nash will be resting for 6 mins in the 3rd. maybe another 3 in the 4th. that’s too much. He’ll be too fresh in LA for game 3. Not to mention 20 assists is at hand. Ugly.
CTDeLude says
F F F F F F F.
You know what? Screw all this talk about trusting teammates and bull crap like that. this team can’t do it and we NEED to clear house.
warren (philippines) says
ey, my bad. Suns will score 150! And you’ll see Marcus Banks, Erci Piatkowski, Jalen Rose and Sean Marks tonight.
warren (philippines) says
Suns shooting – 57.1%
Laks shooting – 37.2%
And we still hope we can win? Giving up 31pts in 1st and 37 in 2nd… Wow. Where’s Ronny ????
Giopurle says
Yeah! Where the hell is RONNY!!!!???
chris henderson says
guys, I hate to say this, but 68 pts in the first half, it’s time to face it, this team hasn’t got a chance in hell.
time for management to wake up, big time.
better get something happening, or they can also say farewell to Phil, cause he won’t re-up if this continues, then we might as well say goodbye to kobe, cause he’ll opt out when he can too.
shame on the front office, wasting the best player in the game, and one of the leagues best franchises.
I’ve been a die hard fan since 1984, and I can’t watch the second half tonight fellas.
pgblooded says
One more hope. I hope our guys can make the game more decent. At least to give us more reasons to hope. I hope!
AM says
I agree with the other commenters — what were those lineups all about?
Our golden opportunity was Game 1, and we blew that. At this point, Game 2 is practice for Game 3. Play hard, and hope to at least build some positive momentum heading into Game 3.
The Suns are so great at punishing people for mistakes. I mean, you pause to glare at the ref, your guy is dunking on the other end. You get caught up in a screen, your guy is swishing a three. You are only as fast as a cheetah, Barbosa earns another piece of his sixth-man award.
Who’s going to step up for the Lakers at this point?
Kobe should just come down and shoot on every single play. I mean, what’s the point of doing it any other way? Just come down and jack em up.
AM says
Lamar’s foul on Nash was a little over the top. No reason to give that guy any extra motivation!
Looks like Kwame’s layup-missing disorder is contagious …
AM says
Stop jacking up threes!!
AM says
BTW, keep Kobe away from sharp objects after the game … he looked maaaaad.
pgblooded says
Wow, this is becoming a real wake up call. Don’t you guys think so? I mean do our guys really have what it takes to get past the first round? this season? next season?
Ketchup should be true to his words that they will be very busy in the off-season. Otherwise, we’re gonna be in this kind of situation season after season. Which, at least for me, is getting harder to swallow.
I dunno how they’re gonna do it within the cap they have but I believe that if they will it they would get it. They owe it to the fans that has been standing by the team despite what they’re getting. Gee!!!
CTDeLude says
really classy crowd they got out there in the desert.
Rob L. says
Will Staples make a difference?
Craig W. says
I think the ENTIRE organization can take a bow on this stinker.
The team got discouraged early and the Suns just stomped on their faces – like real killers do.
The coaching staff seems committed to following a rigid pattern at the end of the 1st and 3rd and start of 2nd and 4th. This just gave the Suns the prize opportunity to run off another 10 unanswered points.
Everyone just stunk it up tonight.
warren (philippines) says
guys, enough of the stink. lets talk how this team can improve next year… its not for fun anymore. Trades/Signings are the important stuff to talk about now. I don’t think adjustments were made at all. Bear with me :
My wishlist goes like this:
1. KG
2. Jermaine Oneal
3. Andrei Kirilenko
4. Mo Williams
5. Jason Kidd (#s 2-5 seem more realistic anyway)
6. Mike Bibby
7. Pau Gasol
lets make this the forum now
Dany says
After this game and as a die hard Laker fan, is it bad that I’m rooting for this team to get swept in the ugliest possible fashion such that we fire Kupchak?? I’d much rather have missed the playoffs for a lottery pick, but that wasnt in the cards.I know going after West is wishful thinking, but seeing 40 million dollars in suits(vlade/mckie) and the perpetual stinkers cook/vujacic throw up, how does this guy have a job in what is arguably the premier franchise in the NBA. I’d understand if this was the Milwaukee Bucks, but give me a break.
I’m sorry if I’m bitter, but it’s 1 am out east and i wish i went to bed hours ago
Kurt says
ugh. the opposite of everything they needed to do.
warren (philippines) says
the Lakers were given +10.5 in game 1 and I didn’t bet in fear of a blowout. Game 2 last night was given + 9.0. I was almost tempted to bet but I had surmised that since it didn’t happen in game 1, it might be game 2. My golly was I lucky I didn’t. I won on the Bulls though.
CTDeLude says
The opposite Kurt? They went inside repeatedly early and Amare shut them down. You saw what they were supposed to do and it ain’t working. Nothing will work when the Suns come out in such a way.
It’s over.
Huy N says
I hope Kobe’s ankle isn’t too serious. What was he doing in a blown out game anyway?
Jimmy says
Honestly, I give no respect to players like Barbrosa. Why? Because he abuses the only advantage he has over most players – speed. It’s the same as when all Shaq did was – bang, bang, dunk – and you’d hear about how many people don’t respect his game because all he has is size. Like on TNT Charles Barkley just commented, Barbrosa never changes directions when he drives. Maybe he didn’t need to, maybe he can’t, either way, I can’t respect a player who uses the same arsenal against other teams only because he can. No need to flame, this is just my personal opinion. I appreciate players like Kobe, Tmac, Karnett, because they’re the complete package. I heard a comment on TV about how Barbrosa is content with being on the Suns, when if he wanted to, he could be a Superstar on most other teams. Yeah okay. Barbrosa’s “isolation” plays are him taking back a few steps, then running by his player. Nice.
DrRayEye says
(52) Craig,
I think that you nailed it. The Laker substitution sequence was virtually unchanged from game 1. Poor Ronnie. Maybe Radman should go snow boarding again.
Despite an incomplete defensive effort, the Lakers only trailed by 6 at the end of the first quarter with their starting 5. I guess, according to the coaching staff, they needed a Barbosa stopper.
“Who could that be? ”
“Oh. I know. Let’s substitute Smush Parker in.”
“Great idea! He not only can stop Barbosa, but his sharp passes can set up Andrew Bynum for some dunks and slow down Amare.”
After a few Smushian moments with Barbosa, we were down by 14–and all the Kings Horses and all the Kings Men . . . .
What were they thinking???
Then the surprise of the night–they brought out an activated Shammond and benched poor Smush for the rest of the night. It’s not fair to blame Smush for being Smush. It almost felt like Smush was being set up!
The Lakers did everything Jimmy Buss suggested on the Loose Cannons show. They forced Nash to dish for threes rather than shoot himslef. Andrew Bynum came in off the bench and played significant minutes because he was the “difference maker.”
Look at the scoreboard, Jimmy–and don’t blame the starting 5.
pgblooded says
Game’s over. I can;t help but be curious of the post game comments from everyone. From the Suns, to our guys, to the press… Hmnnn!!!
I wonder what kind of reception will our guys receive at Staples in game 3. I hope it would still be the usual festive type. Otherwise, season will indeed be over even before the game begin.
Wish list before Christmas? I can’t help but agree with you. Ha ha ha!
KG are you listening?
pgblooded says
Game’s over. I can;t help but be curious of the post game comments from everyone. From the Suns, to our guys, to the press… Hmnnn!!!
I wonder what kind of reception will our guys receive at Staples in game 3. I hope it would still be the usual festive type. Otherwise, season will indeed be over even before the game begin.
Wish list before Christmas? I can’t help but agree with you. Ha ha ha!
KG are you listening… err… surfing?
ca-born says
Was Lamar crying?
warren (philippines) says
May I reiterate the deal I thought of yesterday. It was amended and improved by JONESONTHENBA and maybe you guys can take a crack at improving it further:
Luke Walton (sign-and-trade)
Vladimir Radmanovic
Andrei Kirilenko
The deal is dependent on the fact that AK is having real problems in Utah. and Vice Versa. Utah cannot afford a Max player performing like that. Much as how average spender the City is, and how conservative Jerry Sloan might be, I think this deal can work.
Vlade can work in the Utah rotation. Starting position even. I envision Walton playing the 2 for them as Fisher comes off the bench. Okur, Boozer, Vlade, Walton, Deron Wil would be the starting five.
other tidbits:
I even thought of trading Cook and Sasha for Mike James. Heck this could work you know.
Huy N says
I see your point, but then again, whatever Barbosa is doing is working for him, why should he change his approach? Maybe with more playing time, he will be forced to vary his attacks as opponents make adjustments. This is why Barbosa is not yet anywhere near kobe or tmac. Right now, Barbosa is hidden on the bench with little exposure for opponents to make adjustments.
warren (philippines) says
I think this calls for a desperate CHANGE. and FAST!
Get someone, anyone please! Give Kobe the support that he needs. Or else he’ll be the KG version of LA.
ca-born says
If Kobe doesn’t get the talent he needs around him this offseason, I swear, I’ll be pulling for him to get traded. I don’t care that he’ll leave the Lakers, it’s sad to see the best in the league get wasted.
Tony B. says
My favorite part of the game was when the Suns fans cheered when Kobe went down. That showed a lot of class.
pgblooded says
A friend called just to heckle me because of the blow-out. This really sucks!!!!
warren (philippines) says
Barbosa will be a very good player since the Suns are offense-minded. He will later on crawl to the starting five in lieu of Raja Bell. The question is: Will the Suns let go of Marion? He’s gonna be worth much as they approach the tax luxury line. Or will they let go of Diaw instead? I don’t care anyway…
warren (philippines) says
Having Kobe is a convenience we cannot waste. He is real gold and a player like that arrives only once every 10 years. He should be supported properly and be perennial contenders. Like say, Kobe and KG. Don’t kid me with the fact that we are waiting for Bynum’s emergence. By golly for all I care it may not come at all. Lamar Odom is nice to have but the results are all I care. I could even let him go if KG is the result.
Bynum + Odom + Cook
for KG + Craig Smith
Defensively, the Lakers are a joke. Credit it to your guy Smush Parker. Get Radman, Luke Walton and send them off to Utah for AK.
nomuskles says
Did anyone else see Amare jump OVER kwame? That was freakish. Maybe MK should ask kobe to take a paycut so he could afford to pay free agents some money. Anyway, Lakers are probably a couple years away from being able to sign a big name, which makes the free agent discussion a little premature for us (although the front office should of course be keeping up on the situation). Lakers need more time together as a team and better effort all around (even from Kobe). I don’t think we can learn much from tonight’s other than the fact that the Suns can play highly skilled basketball and the Lakers are capable of playing really awful basketball. Let’s hope game three has a different look. Also, in response to the complaints that PJ played the wrong guys, I don’t disagree, but the correct guys aren’t on the roster. That’s just how it is. This team doesn’t have it anymore. Maybe in another year with a swap of some pieces and the growth of some younger players.
rico says
That was the most depressing game in quite a while. We couldn’t even get close enough to give a hard deterring foul.
Truely pathetic effort.
Kas says
the worst thing that can happen to the lakers is them winning this series. if they do, ill be cheering my heart out. however, it might be for the best that they go out in like 5 games (no sweeps) so that the higher ups know that major change HAVE to take place.
chopperdave says
Luke and Farmar-superstar were the only two that looked like they hadn’t thrown in the towel by the 3rd quarter. Even Kobe, while still chastising teammates for getting not getting back, looked dejected and hopeless by that point. I appreciated Luke’s effort especially, attacking the basket and chasing down loose balls long after the outcome was decided.
I feel like “Why is Smush even playing??” has to be the thing I’ve heard most frequently from Lakers fans of late. Normally I don’t like to question coaches’ decisions because they invariably know things we don’t, especially with Phil, but there is absolutely no reason to play him the rest of this series. I’d say the majority of the time a breakdown ends in an easy dunk, you can trace it back to a f-up from Smush, whether it’s not fighting through a screen or just getting blown by. At this point he offers nothing on either end that we can’t get from Jordan, Sasha, or even Shammond and McKie. At least those guys look like they care after the blur whizzes by.
I’ve heard it from numerous people on here, so I know I’m not alone: why don’t they go big and exploit the hell outta Nash defensively?? Give Mo a shot guarding the point (he can’t do worse than Smush), let Luke/Kobe/Lamar handle the ball, and drive it down their throats. We don’t lose athleticism by subbing in Evans when Farmar. And no Ronny in the first half is a mystery.
Let’s hope L.A. is kinder.
chopperdave says
Just to clarify my Smush-complaint above, I was relieved to see Phil get the message and cut his minutes to 4, but not sure all his minutes should be going to Shammond or Sasha. Neither were dreadful, but playing those guys plays into the Suns strengths and sacrifices some of our potential match-up advantages. As long as one of Farmar/Smush/Shammond/Sasha are on the floor, Nash practically has a free pass defensively. Exhausting him on that end will be key to stopping him on the other. Obviously tonight no one thing was gonna do the trick, but maybe for next time.
DrRayEye says
This is not the time to think wholesale changes. It is still the time to think strategy. A significant part of the Laker failure so far involves substitution patterns that changed the momentum of the game. Last night, it was as if Phil threw in the towel in the second quarter when he substituted out the starting unit–and a 6 point deficit swelled to 21. T. J. Simer got it right, so it must be pretty obvious.
Looking to next year, we must realize that both Kwame and Lamar are facing surgery after the season. Mihm has been gone the entire season. VladRad is a similar story.
Phoenix, on the other hand, is currently healthy and deep. They execute a clear vision. In addition, their coaching staff seems to know how to focus on details during the game, refining substitutions and game strategy on the fly while ours seem,l well, lost in Zen.
It will be interesting to see if there is a better thought through strategy for game three that, at least, gives us a chance to win.