UPDATE: Had to get this in here, the Lakers on Monday morning waived Coby Karl, who is now a free agent. The Laker roster is down to 14. I think this says that: 1) Sasha is feeling fine; 2) The Lakers want to keep their options open for potential mid-season roster moves. I like Karl, I hope someone picks him up.
Now, back to the post…
Is anyone else ready for the season to just start?
I am, and I’m tired of bouncing around the Web looking for good, new Lakers info.
But I think I found something interesting. One of my favorite stats Web sites for statistics is Doug’s Stats, where the raw numbers people love to crunch can be found. The site is also is one of the few spots where you can find the stats for the preseason.
Now, preseason stats mean about as much as Ralph Nader in this election, but I still took a look at the Lakers numbers, and here is what jumped off the page.
• The Lakers two best players were Andrew Bynum and Jordan Farmar. At least according to the Tendex players rating system. (For those unfamiliar, think of it like a cumulative stat, sort of a different version of Hollinger’s PER, not perfect by any means but it provides a good snapshot of what has been happening.) Bynum had the highest number on the team, and he averaged 12 points and 7.4 rebounds per game in just 23 minutes. Farmar averaged 13 points per game in 22 minutes.
By the way, the Tendex rating sort of backs up our eyes on that, although Gasol also would have been in the mix for me.
• Jordan Farmar shot 44.4% from three in the preseason (on 18 attempts). Radmanovic took the most threes, 29, and hit 37.9%, showing why Phil Jackson has him in with the starting unit. He is going to get a lot of looks in the season.
• The only other Laker shooting above 33% from three was Odom. Fisher, even Coby Karl, were below that threshold.
• Pau Gasol shot 66.7% for the preseason. Think he likes playing the four and getting to do a little face up?
• Who got to the free throw line the most for the Lakers? Bynum. Followed by Gasol and Ariza.
• Four Lakers averaged almost two steals per 48 minutes — Farmar, Ariza, Kobe and Walton. It’s a sign of how much more confident this team is with Bynum behind them that they take a few more risks.
Joel says
Farmar did look really good in the preseason, especially in terms of attacking the basket rather than settling for 3s (which is why his FG% was off the charts). My only concern with him is that he still tends to get out of control and make bad decisions at times. That’s tolerable with the 100mph pace that the second unit plays at, but if he wants to set himself up to take over from Fisher down the road (and earn a big contract) he needs to be more judicious and not look for the ‘home run’ play quite so often. With that said, his ability to change the tempo coming off the bench makes him very valuable nevertheless.
fifthrune says
Nice read, Kurt. Although, I really LOL’d at the “even Coby Karl” bit regarding 3PT%. This preseason has not been kind to Coby in the shooting dept.
wondahbap says
Is there a stat for percentage of the time D-Fish makes the wrong play on a fast break? it must be around 90%. Fish is my man, but he must be the worst fast break PG in the NBA.
I think the 2nd unit should run run run all season. We have the depth and talent to bury teams. Get on em, and then wear em out.
the other Stephen says
dan dickau was worse
j. d. hastings says
Great post. Farmar as definitely looked great this preseason,. I don’t think that’s surprised anybody too much, since last year he showed the ability to take over games at times (and nail random quarter ending 3s). The question is his ability to sustain that over the regular season. I hope he steps up and puts everything together and adds consistency to his list of positive attributes. When he’s on the top of he can give, Farmar gives us just that much more diversity of talents to throw at teams.
Darius says
The announcers were saying it during the broadcast in the last game, but Farmar is a starting caliber guard. He was killing the opposing team’s 2nd unit PG and playing with so much confidence and swagger that you could see that he knew he was better than those guys. Can he maintain that attitude, presence, and effectiveness when he’s facing guys like Chris Paul or Deron? That’s what I’m looking for from him. He’s proven to me that he can be a very good player in this league. But in that Utah series, he got so frustrated and down on himself when matched up with Deron that we were all a little concerned. I know that he bounced back in the following series, but I want him to be a player that shows that steadiness against even the best opponents. I don’t mean he needs to be getting the better of some of the best players in the league, I just mean that I want him to show that he belongs with those guys when matched up with them. I want him to hold his own. I’m about 90% there with Farmar…if he shows me that last quality, I’ll be fully convinced.
busterjonez says
Lamar is going to destroy the league’s second units with the players we have on the bench. He won’t pick up as many fouls playing against weaker competition. The pressure is off, and that’s when Odom is at his best.
He is going to dish and drive his way to the sixth man award, so long as injuries don’t force him into the stating lineup.
wiseolgoat says
3 – i wholeheartedly agree. fisher is the king of taking the contested pull-up on a 3 on 2 fast break.
wondahbap says
Deron Williams will do that (he gets the best of CP3), but I see what you mean. I agree. That’s the thing I like about Farmar, his confidence. He knows he’s good and it helps. He has supreme athleticism, and wht I want to see from him is to use that defensively. I think it’s the defensive aspect of his game that is going to ultimately decide his future here. This doesn’t mean he’s bad or dispensible, but he can’t stay a reserve after this season, he’s too good. It’s more a matter of what Phil is looking for from him in order to give him the job.
wondahbap says
Or bury his head and steam toward the whole and draw a foul, when a simple pass left or right, or alley oop would’ve been just too easy.
Stephen says
I am sooo ready for some basketball !
This last week has felt like the next to last week before summer vacation back when I was a kid.
OT-but I’m about to buy a 27″ or so TV for my small apartment. I’ve read really good things about the Samsung LCDs,but does anyone have any other recommendations. Don’t care about sound quality,just want a good picture on a TV that doesn’t stutter during a game.
Bryan says
Salim Stoudamire was cut by the Spurs. For years I thought he would be an excellent piece in the triangle, I still do, even though he can’t even say the word ‘defense.’ Not that there’s a body on the roster right now I’d drop to pick him up…. yet.
Now start the dang season already! I’m tired of reading “news” that is anything but new, and worrying if I should tinker with my fantasy team. I just want to watch NBA basketball again! (Halloween, Simpsons Halloween Special, and the NBA season starts? Forget December, THIS is the most wonderful time of the year).
Karl says
Does anyone know why they didn’t have training camp in Hawaii this year? Isn’t it customary for Phil Jackson teams to do that?
sT says
Yea, Farmar has looked good this pre-season, something to look forward to.
“so long as injuries don’t force him into the stating lineup”, what a great thing to worry about, huh.
Brian, it is a wonderful time of the year…
Go Lakers…
harold says
Any PG running into Deron would have confidence problems afterwards. I think you’d get that after meeting someone you can’t stop but can stop you.
It’s funny how much depth we have this season compared to starting Smush Parker. To think we have Fisher/Farmer isntead of Parker and Cook/Evans became Ariza (who some argue should start)…
The season can’t start soon enough. Even if we only reach about 80% of the expectations, it would be a regular season we wish we’d never end.
harold says
11- Regarding LCDs… 27″ TV? I would probably just look at 27″ LCD monitors and TV card… Anyway, in terms of reputation and customer evaluations here in Korea, LG edges Samsung slightly, although it would really depend on the model you’re looking at.
Kurt says
4. Not to name drop, but when Kevin Pelton and I had lunch we were joking about what a great band name “The Dan Dickau Reclamation Project” would be.
As for Farmar, I think I’m more there than Darius. The Deron Williams thing doesn’t bother me as much. Look, he is now and pretty much always will struggle with physically strong PGs. (And for that matter, he and every one else on the planet is going to struggle with Chris Paul.) What mattered to me is he bounced back after that Utah series. I think you need his swagger to be good, combine that with a work ethic and we’re talking a quality starter. I really think that by the end of this season, if he hasn’t won the starting job outright, we’ll all be waiting for it eagerly.
hansoulfood says
For LCDs…I love my Samsung 32”. Just make sure you get a pretty good contrast ratio for that sharp and bright look. Mine’s is 8000:1 ratio. And you do not need to get a 1080p for sizes less than 37” I believe. 720p will do. Lakers in HD is awesome.
Just finished fantasy draft in a 16man league. I wanted Bynum but someone took him in 2nd round before I can take him in the third. So pissed off.
Seriously…that wait is killing me. I just want the players to yell out “What time is it?? GAME TIME!” already.
Darius says
I hope I’m not coming off as down on Farmar because that is not my intention. And even though I mentioned the Utah/Deron thing from the playoffs, it’s not that big a deal for the reasons that Kurt mentioned. Ultimately, I’m pretty convinced that Jordan is gonna be a major player for us this next season and for many more to come. I understand that every player is prone to up and down games and that every player has that one player (or two) that just give him problems. (On a side, Michael Jordan always said that Jeff Malone was one of those guys that always gave him a run for his money.) So, I don’t expect Farmar to be immune to that. But, what I do want is for him not to get so down on himself when things are that hard for him. There’s an emotional steadiness that I think you need when you’re depended on the way that we will with him. Now, he’s only a third year player, and that’s a fact that sways me to believe in his long term viability as a player just because he’s come so long in his first two seasons and has shown that he’s got the chops to get a lot better through his hard work.
Hassan says
Thanks for the link to Doug’s Stats. There’s not that much pre-season info available, and I have fantasy to worry about. The format there is great, the super-fast loading really helps snoop around. While on the topic btw, has anyone seen JR Smith’s pre-season? 18 ppg on 48% shooting, 2 3pts per game shooting 41%, along with 2 stls. And he’s doing all this in about 27 min/game. I’ve read a couple of articles toting him to have a breakout year this year, with Hollinger picking him as most likely for Most Improved Player.
And I’m not bringing this up just for the fantasy angle. Suppose he does break-out to a 20 ppg player this year, DEN could possibly start AI, Smith, Melo, Martin and Nene this year, which would make for a crazy! backcourt. Otherwise, he might give Odom a run for his money chasing the 6th man award.
I haven’t seen on the pre-season games, but what do you guys think? Any chance he’ll break through to become an elite scorer this year? And how much would that affect the standings in our Wild Wild West?
El Seano says
God this wait is just getting agonizing now. Just over one day. Anyone care to pass the time with some very very early award predictions?
6th Man:
Bergmann says
Guys, anyone knows where i can stream tomorrow’s game ?
Joel says
This link should have at least one stream up the day of the game…
fifthrune says
Am I wrong for wanting Farmar to stay on the 2nd unit? I too feel like he has starter-level talent, but I just think his abilities would not be maximized on the 1st unit, what with 1) Kobe being the ball-dominant lead guard (which he should be), and 2) Murtaugh & Riggs (AB/Pau) jamming up the paint and necessitating touches. Thoughts?
Kareem says
If he started, Farmar’s role on our team would change, and he would need to improve his spot up shooting and his ball handling. Farmar’s up-tempo game would change, but everyone makes sacrifices for a team of all-stars. You know what I mean?
fifthrune says
I agree that Farmar CAN make an adjustment, but in the end I still see it as making a square peg fit in a round hole. We tried that for years with Odom as 2nd-option and it never quite worked. I fear the same will happen if we try to rein in Farmar whose running/gunning style is his natural one whereas a bigger, more methodical guard like Chauncey Billups would fit more in post-heavy Triange the starters run.
T34 says
Finally picked up my tickets for this season yesterday. The game tomorrow should be great. As much as I love our starting unit, I’m really excited to see our 2nd unit vs. any Portland unit tomorrow. That is going to be some exciting basketball.
As far as this post:
Farmar has been playing like he is an apprentice to Kobe. Seems like he really has learned a lot from Kobe in terms of intensity, hard work, and attitude. Other pleasant surprises from the pre-season include Vlade playing like SEATTLE Vlade. His defense/aggressiveness, and IQ have all looked greatly improved. Pau/Aldridge should be a great match-up tomorrow, as will Andrew/Oden although I expect Andrew to outshine Oden.
It’s going to be a great season and I am so glad it’s finally here!
81 Witness says
MVP: LeBron (no brainer)
MIP: Mo Wiliams – LeBron wil make him an all-star this year.
6th Man: LO
ROY: Russell Westbrook. After watching him play the Lakers, no doubts left.
COY: Sloan. He’ll make Utah look like a well-oiled machine.
DPOY: Dwight Howard. The dude’s a beast and he’ll make his other teammates look good.
Regarding Vlad, he has shown steady improvement so far. Look forward to seeing it in the regular season though.
Fisher: I agree with some of the other posters. For a 90% FT shooter, he needs to get to the line where he can do more damage. Try and finish your fast breaks please.
Farmar: Still needs work on his perimeter switches off screens. I’ve seem him let the offense into the paint and he’s lost track of the player he’s manned up with. He could still improve his skills on boxing out instead of relying on his athleticism. Too many times I see him not boxing out a bigger body when he has position as the shot goes up. Otherwise, he’s doing great on defense. He jumps the passing lane and double-teams at appropriate times.
This should be a 60 win Laker team. They are too complete and have the depth to limit everyone’s minutes, spread the floor on offense, trust their interior defense, and rebound well.
ryan says
21. If I had to make some guesses I’d say:
MVP: CP3 or James
MIP: JR Smith
6th Man: Manu if healthy (Odom if he is not)
ROY: Beasley
COY: Cheeks ( I think the 76ers are going to be a pretty good team this year)
DPOY: Garnett
Kurt says
I’ll take a crack at this for fun:
MVP: CP3 (this award is always a year or two behind reality and voters will give it to CP3 this year when LeBron really earns it, then give it to LeBron next year).
MIP: As this person comes out of the blue, I’m not going to hazard a guess, but I think 81’s guess with Mo Williams is a good fit, although it is more about situation than his game getting better. Not that the voters will get that.
6th Man: LO
ROY: Beasley, because he’ll get the minutes and hype, but I would love to see Westbrook.
COY: Cheeks ( I hadn’t thought of it until Ryan brought it up, but this always goes to a team that makes a big leap, even though someone like Sloan is easly as or more deserving).
DPOY: D. Howard
wondahbap says
I think Bynum will make an ALL-NBA team this year. Providing he stays healthy, he should average 16-18 ppg and 12 rebs and 2-3 blks easily. He’s going to absolutely kill any team without an elite center and will shoout 60-65% this year. His buckets will come easy. there’s a lack of true centers right now, and we have a loaded team to ease the load.
I’m glad the Lakers start the season with a great showdown to get the competitive juices flowing. Statement game lready.
Karl says
MVP: Lebron James. After five years we STILL don’t know his ceiling.
MIP: J.R. Smith. Maybe Randy Foye if he stays healthy. We could all hope for #17 and a certain guard on our team, however. =]
6th Man: Lamar Odom.
ROY: Michael Beasley. He’ll already get the minutes as is, but if Marion is traded…
COY: Mo Cheeks. I feel this is a no brainer if they live up to expectations.
DPOY: Josh Smith. I just love the guy.
Darius says
MVP: Lebron. I think he’s ready to assume the title of the best in the game. No knock on our guy or CP3, but Lebron is just a beast.
MIP: I like Tyrus Thomas here. From what I saw of him in the preseason, he’s due for a double double average and a block or so a game as a starter. Plus in Del Negro’s system, they’re going to be running a lot more and I see him putting up some good numbers compared to his career averages.
6th Man: Odom (homer vote alert).
COY: Erik Spoelstra. I think the Heat are going to suprise people this year to the tune of 42 wins and a playoff appearance. And when brand new coaches achieve strongly in their first season and make the playoffs with a team that won 15 games games the year before, I think that’s a good argument.
DPOY: D. Howard. He’ll lead the league in Reb’s and Blocks which is the Ben Wallace formula to winning.
exhelodrvr says
I don’t think that Lamar will get the “stats” to be 6th man of the year, and I suspect that Farmar will be the most valuable non-starter on the roster.
Reed says
Always happy to engage in predictions:
MVP: (1) Lebron. No question. Last year, Paul had going for him the fact that no one expected them to be good, and they were great. The media’s wanted to give this to Lebron for years and this year the team will finally be good enough to justify it. Of course, he’s also the best player in the league with the best stats, so that will help. Dark horse: Wade. He’ll have the great “story” — bounce back year for suddenly re-competitive Miami team. (2) Paul, (3) Amare, (4) Wade, (5) Kobe.
MIP: (I’m going to avoid a second year player making the leap, as that’s too easy). (1) Kevin Martin. With Artest gone and the team finally his, I think he asserts his wonderful talents and competes for the scoring title on really efficient offensive numbers. And, the media doesn’t care about wins with the MIP award. (2) Granger. Same story as Martin (Oneal gone), but maybe a higher ceiling. (3) Bynum. I see a higher than expected leap. And he didn’t get a chance to win for last year’s improvement given the games missed. (4) David Lee. Others: Amare, Travis Outlaw, Roy, Foye, Devin Harris, Ty Thomas, Rondo.
Second year breakouts (so many): Thaddeus Young, Conley, Durant (huge leap to top 15 status), Horford.
Defensive: (1) Garnett, (2) Artest (that team will put up crazy defensive numbers), (3) Duncan. Not a Howard believer for real defensive effect.
6th Man: There is no one else but Manu.
Darius says
That’s funny about Howard and “real defensive effect” because I agree with that. I just think he’ll have the numbers that voters like when it comes to that award. I mean, when Camby won I know that while he had the numbers, he also played at a fast pace (accounting for inflated rebounding numbers) and that on defense he often let guards penetrate on the P&R (never hedging) allowing him to block shots that in other schemes he would not have had the opportunity to even contest. But I agree on Howard as far as a true defensive ace. He’s no Mutombo or Mourning, that’s for sure. He’s a beast on the boards and a good weakside shot blocker, but I don’t like him to get the key stop against a top flight post player in crunch time. But I do really, really like him as a player.
Kurt says
News Update:
The Lakers waived Coby Karl this morning. The roster is now down to 14, and Karl is a free agent.
Kurt says
By the way, I think the cutting of Karl means two things: 1) Sasha is feeling fine; 2) The Lakers want to keep their options open for potential mid-season roster moves.
I like Karl, I hope someone picks him up.
fifthrune says
Agree with 1) but for 2) I think it’s more likely that Buss just didn’t wanna pay luxury tax on a 3rd string SG when we are pretty strong in that position already (Kobe > Sasha > Trevor if necessary)
Reed says
I like Karl too, blah, blah, but I’d much prefer to have a spot open for a decent veteran buyout/addition. Some valuable veteran will get traded as a salary add in, get bought out, and look for a contending team to join.
Darius says
I like Karl too, but Kurt and Reed are dead on, here. We’re okay (to say the least) with Kobe and Sasha at SG and the roster flexibility is invaluable to us. So, I wish Coby the best and hope he can latch on with another team where he can contribute.
wondahbap says
I think LeBron is the front runer for the MVP. As long as Cleveland wins 50 games, it’s his. The voters are looking for any legimate reason to give it to him, and his stats will be great again, and this should be the season the that LeBron “gets it” on defense. I think the only thing stopping LeBron from winning would be for Kobe to average something like 25 pts and 10 assists on a 65+ win team, possibly 70, or for NOH to win the West with CP averaging 20 and 12.
This should be the season the that LeBron “gets it” on defense
chibi says
mvp: k. garnett (sigh)
mip: m. pietrus
6th: k. azubuike
roy: m. beasley
coy: n. mcmillan (for managing youngsters successfully)
dpoy: k. bryant
Reed says
36. Agree with all of that, as usual, Darius.
All NBA 1st:
PG: Paul
SG: Kobe (unanimous)
SF: Lebron (unanimous)
PF: Garnett
C: Amare (cheating the positions a little, as they’re allowed to)
All NBA 2nd:
PG: Deron (unless he’s out too long)
SG: Wade
SF: Pierce
PF: Duncan
C: Howard
All NBA 3rd:
PG: Nash
SG: Martin
SF: Melo
PF: Dirk
C: Bynum
Barely missed: Brand (think he doesn’t bounce back as much as expected), Bosh, Yao, Gasol, Iverson, Billups, Baron, Durant, West.
khw says
As for the Coby Karl waive…. Darius Miles pickup in the future?
Reed says
Top 15 players if I were starting a team from scratch for one year only and my life’s saving depended on winning the title:
1. Lebron
2. Kobe
3. Duncan
4. Paul
5. Garnett
6. Wade
7. Amare
8. Deron
9. Pierce
10. Howard
11. Dirk
12. Nash
13. Bosh
14. Brand
15. Baron
Kurt says
45. Nah, not their style (remember you have to play the guy), but the rumor is the Lakers front office is telling other teams he can still play. (While Portland is doing the opposite.)
inwit says
I’m really excited to see Oden v Bynum tomorrow night. As a kid I would go with my dad to see Wilt and Kareem battle at the Forum. Could this be another great personal matchup?
khw says
personally I was more of a fan for bringing Lindsey Hunter back, an experienced PG who knows the triangle with no training time who can fit in case fisher/farmar goes down (heaven forbid).
Kurt says
49. I hope tomorrow is the opening bell in a 10-round (year) fight between two real heavyweights. It should be interesting.
Reed says
I think Oden is going to be a little shocked — doubtful he’s ever played anyone as big and strong as Bynum. Bynum’s been through the ringer a few times already with Howard, Shaq, Duncan. Still, Oden is a potential future hall of fame center and the matchup will be fun for a decade.
inwit says
It will be interesting:
Oden was the “star” when they were in high school, but watched Bynum get all the props last season. Bynum has grown alot as a player and has 3 years of NBA experience. I bet both players are nervous.
J.D. Hastings says
I think I differ from a lot of people here, but I am predicting that DJ Mbenga will sweep every major regular season award this year. I realize this is controversial, but it kind of makes sense. Obviously when he takes the MVP torphy, he’d have to win the most improved trophy also, since the leap would be so great. What most people aren’t forseeing is his ascension to the Player-Coach role in early december after Phil Jackson is banned from the league for steroid use. Needing to maintain chemistry on the team while he takes the reigns, Mbenga’s master stroke will be to allow Bynum and Gasol to keep the starters role, while bringing himself off the bench. That shouldn’t prevent him from averaging 30/15 with 5 blocks a game, though, while also leading the league in made 3 pointers.
The Lakers enter the post season at 56-22 (most of the losses coming during the tribulations of the steroid controversy), with separate win streak of 27 and 13. In the playoffs, the lakers go 15-2 – with the two losses coming in the finals after DJ shifts the overall philosophy to allow Kobe to go home with his first Finals MVP trophy.
Is it a long shot? Maybe, but nobody really cares about the predictions that don’t pan out, and if this does go down I want everybody to know that they read it here first.
Gatinho says
“You take it on faith,
you take it to the heart,
The waiting is the hardest part”
-Tom Petty
Not to get ahead of ourselves, but it would be great to watch and for the NBA if we had a new age Russell v. Chamberlain in Bynum v. Oden…
inwit says
It’s been a long off season – let’s get ahead of ourselves!
Bill Engvall says
Is my show still on the air? I hope you guys get to see my commercials during the NBA games on TBS!
As far as the Lakers go – PJ will keep Farmar with the 2nd unit because of their chemistry. Fish with the 2nd unit just doesn’t seem to make sense.
kwame a. says
Late to the party, but…
MVP: Yao Ming-The Rockets will be good
MIP: Julian Wright-He was coming on strong late last yr.
6th Man: Louis WIlliams-He can score and Philly will be good enough for people to notice
COY: Adelman
kwame a. says
PS-I’m not sold on Portland at all. I think they will be in a dogfight to even make the playoffs. I don’t see a post presence for them on offense, also I am not sold on their rotation, they have lots of talent, but need to make that a team.
Reed says
I sway wildly between believing in Portland and not believing in them. Right now, I’m firmly in the former camp. Thinking that by mid-year they find a winning rotation and they become a terrifying playoff opponent (and sure playoff participant). I wouldn’t be surprised if we’d feel better about playing Phoenix or Dallas in the first round than them. So much length, athleticism, depth, talent, balance, good coaching. When Roy is at the point to finish games, they can put out a matchup nightmare lineup.
kwame a. says
I like Roy, but I don’t know if his body is made to hold up through an 82 game season. I like Aldridge, but he is not gonna get easy, close looks in the 4th qtr. I like all the various wing talent and perimeter talent they have. I’m just not sure how they matchup with the top 5-LA,Houston, NO, Utah, SA,-in the West, not to mention Phoenix and Dallas. I don’t doubt they CAN be good, but I’m not quite sure why everyone (ala Dallas Cowboys) is ready to annoint an unproven team title-contender status. They are a bottom half playoff team this year, as of right now at least.
busterjonez says
MVP: LeBron (He is going to dominate the east this year)
MIP: Al Thorton (BD will give him tons of buckets. The Clippers will be better than everyone thinks.)
6th Man: Our boy, LO
ROY: Brook Lopez (Ok, stop laughing)
COY: Erik Spoelstra (Miami has Beasley, Wade, Marion in contract year)
DPOY: Artest, that defense is going to be nasty if Mt Motumbo can still lurch around.
emh101 says
My predictions rest on the Lakers having a phenomenal season (which is not completely out of the question) which will be hard for the voters to ignore:
MVP: Kobe Bryant
MIP: Rodney Stuckey
6th Man: JR Smith
ROY: Derrick Rose
COY: Phil Jackson
DPOY: Ron Artest
inwit says
Portland has added alot of talent from last year – it won’t be easy getting everybody on the same page – last year was easier because it all revolved around Roy. This year with Oden, Fernandez and Bayless, it will be much more complicated.
Also they are so young – talented young players sometimes have problems accepting a role, but still, the upside is very high.
And the Blazers ALWAYS play the Lakers tough.
kwame a. says
Inwit-You are 100% right about that last point. The Blazers just plain hate the Lakers, all the way down to their announcers who are very fun to listen to if you want to here some quality homer analysis. The Blazers, Kings, Spurs, Clippers, Celtics, Jazz, Nuggets, Suns,all view the Lakers as their primary rival or object of hate. It makes those teams get up for those games.
Kurt says
New Post, the Lakers season preview, is up.
inwit says
Sorry Kwame, I can’t laugh when I hear their announcers.
Up here in Oregon, every Laker-Blazer game is with the local announcers, unless it is on national tv (Season Pass is blacked out). I can’t stand that Mike Rice – and both he and the play by play guy go on and on about the refs, Kobe yelling at teamates, and PJ on his “throne”, etc. . Awful.
harold says
46. – scary team, 1-5.
Good bye Coby Karl, George’s son. He was like a mascot to us, and I think this summer really cost him.
Hassan says
MVP: Kobe
MIP: Ariza
6th Man: LO
COY: The ZenMaster himself
DPOY: Kobe
Sportsman: Fisher
ROY: ummmm
Hey it could happen 🙂 On a more serious note though, what ever became of Bynum’s contract extension?
Hassan says
You gotta pick Howard over Pierce man.