First of all, Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there – especially mine. I know for many fans, their love of the Lakers is something that has been passed down from father to son (or daughter) and with the Lakers now celebrating another championship these are special times. And I know on Father’s Day, a lot of dads love to sit around and watch TV and relax on a day that’s all theirs. So, in between gearing up for the final round of the US Open or watching some Wold Cup action enjoy some of the best Lakers videos from the last few days.
First up, we’ve got the appearance of Kobe, Fish, Ron, DJ, Josh, Shannon, and Sasha on Jimmy Kimmel. Great stuff from the guys in these clips.
Next up, the video that will live in infamy, Ron Artest’s post game press conference. This is some of the best 10 minutes of TV I’ve ever watched. He’s just so damned happy. And hilarious.
Finally, the mini-movie from game 7. did a great job putting these game summaries together and, considering the result of this one, I have to say that this one is the best.
coolrunnings says
For anyone who hasn’t heard Ron’s new single yet here it is:
Ron Artest – Champion
chibi says
there’s an item in this article that says Javaris Crittenton will play for the Lakers in the Summer League.
Mimsy says
Those Kimmel clips are hilarious! They also do a good job of dispelling the myths that Kobe is a bad team mate and the Lakers have no team chemistry… 🙂
Now, have a Happy Father’s Day, all dads at FB&G. 🙂
chris h says
as some of you know, my baby boy Charlie was born May 18, and he joined Warren for the “this is for…” good luck first, and/or second comments.
so this is my first fathers day, and I’m going to trim a hedge.
cheers, and thanks for keeping Charlie up there with the Warren tradition, some day I’ll tell him all about this year!
Lakers8884 says
Darius, what do you think about bringing in a guy like Da’sean Butler with pick 58 in the draft? I know he’s coming off a bad injury but if he can bounce back I could see the guy being a Trevor Ariza type player off the bench, just better scoring ability. He would be a heck of a backup to Artest and eventually take the starting job a few years down the road. I’ve seen many experts say he will go undrafted so if that’s the case bring him in for a workout at least to see what’s there.
TJ says
man this championship is the sweetest, beating the celtics is the best feeling ever. i find myself smiling and pumping my fist at random moments throughout the day so happy we pulled it out.
throughout the season i wished we could have players other than sasha, fisher, powell, luke, ammo, mbenga etc.
but from the kimmel video everyone had their role on the team during the playoffs. the contracts of some are bad, but i am emotionally attached to this specific roster because of what they accomplished.
Maes says
The best part of the Artest interview is the part he’s saying Phil can telephatically speak to you, OMG, I almost died laughing =p
Sedale says
Happy Father’s Day to Chris H and all the other FB&G fathers out there!
LRob says
I was just reading an article on the 1984 gm 7 and saw that Boston outrebounded LA 52-33 and had a 51-28 advantage in free throws. Maxwell and McHale said LA was a great team, but Boston had more heart and character. Well guess who’s got the heart of a champion in 2010. I just thought I’d share this so we all would have a quick response next time Celtics fans start whining. Enjoy the parade.
The Dude Abides says
I can’t wait for the post that talks about personnel moves. I’ve got a no-brainer. Until then, I’m content here with reliving everything. I loved the interaction between the guys on Kimmel’s show, and Fish’s line about the size of his stones was TEH AWESOME.
Everclear says
Damn, man, the feeling is still here. I’m still feeling psyched about this championship. I’ve been a Laker fan since I could remember, thanks to my dad and his dad, so it runs in the family. I remember screaming in a pool with all my friends when we won it in 2000, as well as 01, 02 and last year. Not to take anything away from the Pacers, Sixers, Nets and Magic, but for some reason I couldn’t quite figure out, this one hit deeper and meant more than any other championship I could remember. And then it hit me: It’s because we beat Boston.
I was only 5 years old the last time the Lakers beat Boston in ’87, so I was too young to remember and truly feel the win. But my father and grandfather weren’t. There’s something ethereal and unquantifiable deep with every Laker fan’s soul when it comes to beating the Celtics, just as it is when they beat us. Having fans from other teams talk trash is merely amusing to us – nothing more than bandwagon fans, passing through our arena, preaching from their soapboxes about how great their team is while shouting the ever-original, “Fakers!” taunt. But when the Celtics are in town, it stirs up relatively ancient feelings of hate, disgust, and wanting to punch every bully you see in the face. Even the last 20+ years when the Celtics were completely irrelevant in the league, you still wanted to crush them and step on their necks while they were down.
So having them rise again only to get lucky to beat us without our starting center in 2008 was a great way to give this new generation – me included – a taste of the 60s and 80s. And my Lakers team beating the Celtics in Game 7 by coming back from 13 down in the 3rd by playing the rough, chippy, physical, and slug-out pace of basketball Boston so often and proudly flaunted, makes this victory all the more sweeter.
The icing on the cake? This loss is the loss that destroys the Celtic franchise for who knows how long. The head coach and assistant coach are leaving. Their top shooter is leaving. Their starting center is out for most of next season. Their mascot, Garnett, plays like he’s 34 going on 50, and Paul Pierce has been humbled and dropped down to the level he belongs (even Boston fans laughed when Pierce claimed to be “the best player in the world”).
This Laker team just beat Boston’s past, present and future.
Here’s to a three-peat.
Craig W. says
Haters will be haters and they will never accept Kobe’s talent or personality.
If back-to-back championships don’t dispel any chemistry issues, then nothing will.
needle says
That Jimmy Kimmel thing was awesome.
JD says
I would have died laughing if Morrison actually came out in a uniform after spending the playoffs in a suit, like Kimmel suggested.
needle says
When did Pierce say that? Guy doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut.
Ah. After 2008. Then hilarity ensued.
The Dude Abides says
OT-In light of today’s ridiculous flop by the Cote d’Ivoire player that cost Brazil’s star a red card, here’s a video from the Onion that hits the nail on the head:
The most underrated part of Ron Artest’s interview is when his wife hands him a bottle of Moet and as he’s putting it underneith the table, he says, “Daivd [Stern] might not like that.” I must have laughed for 15 minutes because of that. Too funny.
The Dude Abides says
“What are you staring at, daughter?”
Craig W. says
It is interesting to hear from a person, who by all accounts is a really nice human being, and that person has absolutely no filters between his brain and his mouth. What you hear is his unvarnished feelings.
Corporate America – well, most social America too – just doesn’t understand that kind of communication. Most of us are just too concerned with what others might think or how we might appear. What I wonder is if Ron has some degree of Asperger syndrome. It would explain a lot.
Snoopy2006 says
Awesome videos, the high from this championship just will not fade.
One question – Doc keeps harping on his starting 5 never losing a series…couldn’t we say the same for our starting 5? Drew was out in 08, the last time we were eliminated. In 06 and 07, Fish wasn’t a part of the team. So technically, our starting 5 has never lost a series either, have they? And that’s if you include either Ariza or Artest in the starting 5.
Enough of the excuses. We one this one through grit and ugly basketball, and that makes this trophy all the more beautiful.
needle says
Yeah I think it’s a really stupid thing for Doc to hang his hat on, but whatever.
Craig W. says
Fans will always make excuses, but for a finals coach to repeatedly make excuses for his team shows very little understanding of NBA life – and he is a former player, no less.
Doc — there is no need to make excuses for your team. Get back here and win – that is your response to this loss.
Mimsy says
On the topic of Doc Rivers and excuses, I had an interesting conversation with a co-worker on Friday afternoon, the day after Game 7.
I was wearing my Lakers t-shirt to work, and it started all sorts of conversations, including this one where I found one that this nice lady (considerably older than me) has been a Celtics fan since the first time she saw Larry Bird play. She congratulated me on the win, I thanked her, a bit surprised, suggested she must be having a rough day after that loss, and she replied, “Well, it stung, but in the end I’m proud of our team.”
Color me very surprised.
She went on to explain that she thinks that getting to the NBA finals twice in three years, winning the first time and almost winning the second, are accomplishments to be proud of. She feels her team fought hard when no one expected them to even be there in the first place, and though she was sad at the loss, and even more that it was to the Lakers, she still felt that as a fan, she was supporting a great team and has a right to be proud of how well they did.
I have to say, it was a novel approach, especially coming from a Boston fan.
harold says
actually i wasn’t that miffed by Doc’s comment, I thought it was more for his team and for his town rather than a bitter comment and/or excuse.
as for ron, wow, i mean wow. Forrest Gump in real life or something. To think that he was cast as some problematic bad boy when it’s so darn obvious that he’s just pure innocence. Maybe it’s because I watched Kobe, the kid, still not quite grown up and still having the teenage tendencies in him, but Ron really strikes me as someone you should care for.
And for the Phil voice thing, it’s like Obi-wan talking to Luke, it’s funny as hell too.
Man and I feel bad for Ammo. The video was funny but wasn’t feel good funny, was sad-funny.
Sedale says
I completely agree.
It’s funny because losing in the Finals generally means that a coach never did have a response, you know? Orlando didn’t last year, Lakers didn’t the year before….. That’s why they lost. And Doc is still out there trying to give a response to save face (when admitting the better team won would show more grace and poise); a response that is out of his control (the injury card), nonetheless.
Steve W says
By the way the next idiot who brings some sort of noise about how “Kobe tarnished his legacy by a bad offensive performance in game 7” (as a certain ESPN Boston-homer blogger did) feel free to point out that Bird shot just 6-18 in his only Finals Game 7, 20 points. Far below his usual averages, much be a massive choker. Good times.
chearn says
Charlie has no choice but to join the Laker Nation, as he is part of the FB&G tradition along with Warren! How cool is that!
Ron Artest’s problem is that he is not Hollywood polished! He doesn’t think about endorsement deals nor how one will view his comments. Ron Artest is real! Everyone that views Ron as odd has been brain washed into believing that the only way to respond is through a press agent. Or to have ones image scrutinized to the point of removing anything objectionable to corporate America.
Ammo’s montage was pretty sad! I wish they would have included some of the footage of Ron Artest animatedly speaking to Ammo after game 7. I thought that act spoke volumes about Ron’s character.
2010 NBA Champions: Lakers!!!!
thisisweaksauce says
The good guys have saved us from the great evil that would have been Big Baby taking his shirt off.
3ThreeIII says
If his awesome defense and timely ability to make big plays did not already settle the issue, Artest’s post game interview clinched it: Artest was a great pick up, and we are a better team with him instead of Ariza.
harold says
I’m almost as sick of hearing Artest vs. Ariza as I am of hearing Kobe vs. Jordan.
We’ve won championships with both playing HUGE roles.
Anyway, I’m surfing the net and there’s so much interesting stuff about Ron out there that it really helps me keep on living the moment.
Check out ball don’t lie, they have tons of links about Ron and some of them are really good.
coolrunnings says
What do you guys think of this.
The Dude Abides says
31. DO NOT WANT. However, he’s the same height as the next PG who I want to play for the Lakers if Jordan leaves (age 24, unrestricted free agent, played for the Heat since 04-05).
harold says
31. heh, that’s funny, sad, interesting, not-so-appealing and food for thought all in one.
The T-mac I remember was one of the best passers in the game, jump-plug worthy offense… sounds good on paper.
But we all know how sounding good on paper worked out for us when Payton and Malone joined.
Still, it’s interesting, really. If we win it next year with T-mac, I’m sure Vince will want to join his cousin and the Lakers front office wouldn’t mind playing part in a family reunion…
AA says
32. who are you talking about a pg thats 6’8??
harold says
32. which person are you talking about? not sure if the person you have in mind is the person I’m thinking of…
… but know little about 🙂
DirtySanchez says
Late on the congrats to the team and to all here. Hope everybody has enjoyed these last few days as much as I have. Whether I have been at work or at the grocery store all the talk is about how Boston let it slip away. It was a perfect ending to the thrashing that the team recieved in 08 at the hands of Boston. The smile on my face has not gone away and probably will not go away until after the parade. LA sure did hide that switch pretty well during the regular season, cause they sure did flip it on during the playoffs.
I would have to say Im on the fence about TMac, LA needs to get some younger legs that can eat some minutes on the court for Kobe and Fish. The one thing that pops into my head is Ron Harper when I hear TMac’s name and LA. When the Bulls acquired Harper I thought he was washed up, but he put in work in Chicago. TMac could play a similar role in LA in which he could play 1 or 2. It couldnt hurt to try, and he is hungry to get out of the first round of the playoffs.
needle says
Dorrell Wright I’m guessing.
Igor Avidon says
Not looking forward to the five months of rumors about washed up vets joining the champs while taking big ‘paycuts’. Wonder if AI wants in on the action too.
Simonoid says
Yeah, it’s Dorell Wright. Dude’s been high on him since beginning of this season.
Here’s another name, similar build and maybe even better spot up shooter, but GSW might not be willing to trade him ever since Don Nelson decides to make him one of his favourite “I’ll-play-you-all-48” players once a fortnight or so: Anthony Morrow.
Simonoid says
And to quote 31:
“Most importantly, the acquisition of Tracy McGrady would address the important need for a secondary slasher besides Kobe Bryant. As advocated by Laker great Jerry West, “I think they do need some changes. If you look, they have some free agents that are coming up but the thing that would most concern me is I think they need someone else other than Kobe Bryant getting in the lane.”
That’s a bad idea – after all his knee reconstructions, I believe McGrady would be reduced to a jumpshooter at best – I simply can’t see him willing to take all that pounding at this stage of his career.
But this bit makes him sound good to the Lakers crowd, a la Artest’s respect for Kobe: “McGrady has tremendous respect for the reigning Finals MVP Kobe Bryant, and has made it known that he would gladly accept a lesser role to play alongside whom he considers the best basketball player in the world.”
Mark says
Darius, you might want to include Shannon on the Kimmel part. 🙂 Heads up!
Personally, I don’t mind T-Mac coming into the Lakers (or maybe include him in a three-team trade that ships Sasha and Farmar out and bringing T-Mac and maybe Jared Jeffries??? or another point guard… let Fisher play in the postseason ONLY) because of two reasons:
1) He isn’t washed up. He just lacks motivation. So was Odom when he came into the Lakers, and Gasol, too. He came from a Rockets team who wants his behind out, a NY team who surprised his legs because of immediately running instead of having a better condition with half-court sets offense. I wouldn’t mind giving him the MLE. And this makes a lot of sense since we could dump him anytime he’s considered a liability.
2) You’ve got a scorer that has proven himself to be one. Coming off an injury makes it worse, but like my coach always said, a scorer is always a scorer. And I wouldn’t mind him being one, especially in the second unit. We always bark about how the second unit always have scoring droughts and T-Mac might just stabilize that. Plus, imagine Shannon Brown roaming off the ball instead of him dribbling as we complain too much about his dribbling, the second unit needs a captain and as we all know Lamar Odom isn’t up for that, we can give it to T-Mac and try it, a low-risk, high-reward player we can have.
Yeah he’s a first round virgin but isn’t Pau Gasol too before he joined the Lakers?
BurningBalls says
*sees Shaq lumbering in the distance towards Staples*
wil says
Hopefully Rondo wont be called Raon Rondo next year
Steve W says
Mcgrady is an interesting option for a bench spark if his head and price are right. I trust bleacherreport tips as much as those I get from my aunt edna, though.
How about The Answer? Talk about instant offense off the bench – again if his head and price are right.
This doesn’t count as trade speculation right darius? 🙂
Craig W. says
Igor Avidon,
I’m with you on recycling the old.
The key for this club, and they have done this, is not to focus on the past greats who want one more try, but get some new legs that can fill in things that are declining in our current players. This can only come from getting players who haven’t quite got there yet, but are really trying.
Every year, and I do mean every year, we spend too much talk going on about people we used to love to watch play. That’s like MJ going to the Wizards and we really shouldn’t go there.
exhelodrvr says
If McGrady wants to come for the veterans’ minimum, I would possibly consider it. But the biggest holes on the team are depth at PG and PF/C, and he wouldn’t address either of those needs. And even if he was willing to come for the vets’ minimum, would he be willing to play only 10-15 minutes a night, while putting in the time to learn the triangle, at this stage of his career? I doubt it.
Darius says
#41. Thanks Mark! I’ve added Shannon.