Some goodies floating around on the (current and former) Lakers of late so let’s get right into it…
*Mark Medina has 5 take aways from last night’s game vs. the Warriors including thoughts on Shaw as a head man and Shannon showing that he is, in fact, a better player coming into this season.
*The K-Brothers over at Land O’ Lakers have been pumping out some great work for a long time (as you all know). Earlier this week, they had a very insightful post on Lamar Odom’s presence in the post that is well worth your time.
*With Magic Johnson selling his stake in the Lakers, there have been questions about whether or not he’s out to buy another NBA team. While those rumors may never be put to rest entirely, Magic said this weekthat he’s “a Laker until the end” to reassure folks that he’s not looking to buy the Pistons (or any other NBA team). However, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the NFL on his mind.
*Welcome to the club, Sasha and Shannon. Good luck to you both, NBA marriage can be rough.
*One debate that will never die is Jordan vs. Kobe. Personally, I don’t have a horse in this race and rarely get involved in trying to prove or dispel other people’s thoughts on how the two players compare. If you want my abbreviated take, Kobe has been the premier perimeter player of his generation. Where other players could claim to be the better player in any given year, Kobe has outlasted them all and done so with on court brilliance and lots of winning. The same is easily said of Jordan, though MJ was statistically more dominant. Comparing Kobe to Jordan or Magic or any other all time great isn’t what I like to do because it doesn’t matter. In 50 years, fans of the game and historians of this league will remember his name as one of the best. Isn’t that all that matters? But, if you’d like to read more on this debate, check out the conversation at Hoop Speak on the matter. And for old time’s sake, re-read Reed’s epic post for FB&G where he touches on Kobe, Jordan, Lebron, and more in his classic Deconstructing Kobe.
*No link for this (yet), but I’m still very interested in starting a FB&G fantasy hoops league. If you’re interested, let me know in the comments and give your suggestions about format, number of teams, and other ideas you think are relevant.
Jay says
Sasha and Maria reportedly engaged
My snarky take on this:
Sasha is taking the whole “contract year” phenomenon into real life at this point, by grossly overperforming in every aspect of his life.
Chownoir says
That was an awesome article by Reed. I had forgotten about that. I move that it be a permanent sticky on the side nav bar.
T. Rogers says
Kobe Bryant is great all by himself. He doesn’t have to “exceed” Jordan’s accomplishments. He doesn’t’ need Jordan’s nod of approval. Heck, he doesn’t even need Magic’s nod of approval. Kobe Bryant has proven on the floor that he is one the best this game has ever seen. With five championships and two Finals MVPs to his credit Kobe is first ballot HOF even if he quit right now.
At this stage in his career Kobe Bryant is playing in his own shadow against his own accomplishments. Not only is the Kobe vs. Jordan debate futile, it is irrelevant.
R says
The Kobe vs MJ discussion reminds me of something Derek Trucks said once about being the “greatest” guitarist. To paraphrase, he stated the concept of being “the greatest” didn’t mean much to him. His standard was to be able to play on the same stage with anybody.
Kobe meets that standard. Easily.
VoR says
So watching Blake last night I wondered what the over/under is on the number of comments on this site calling for Blake to start over Fisher…
Nice to see Sasha, Blake and Barnes find their shots. Could we have that (and Artest’s preseason shooting) all season, please?
If… I mean, when…Bynum comes back, LO off the bench with that crew is going to be wicked.
I’m with you Darius. Could we at least call for a moratorium on Kobe / MJ comparisons until Kobe is done playing…yeesh
tsuwm says
and, from the anti-Kobe universe:
“WASHINGTON — Former lottery pick Adam Morrison has been waived by the Washington Wizards, less than a month after signing with the team.”
Darius Soriano says
Game preview is up.