The Lakers only have 27 games left in their season. That means only 27 games left in Kobe Bryant’s career, only 27 games left for the team’s young core to grow with game action, and only 27 games left before a decision is made on Byron Scott’s future as head coach.
It’s been made pretty clear the Lakers were always going to let Scott finish this season, but there has been more than a little chatter that he would not be retained after that. It seems, however, that chatter is being countered by some in the organization who are not quite ready to do away with the former Showtime Guard.
From Mike Bresnahan of the LA Times:
The franchise seems torn on whether he’ll return for the third and last guaranteed year on his contract.
He is expected to coach the rest of this season, and some within the organization wonder what Scott might do with a better roster. The one he has now has produced an 11-44 record, second-worst in the NBA.
Others, however, wonder about the effectiveness of the tough love he administers to the team’s many young players.
Something in Scott’s favor: more talent could arrive by late June. The Lakers have a better-than-expected chance of retaining their top-three protected draft pick and will then have about $55 million to spend on free agents.
Something not in Scott’s favor: the Lakers have shown little hesitation in parting with coaches before their contracts expire. Mike Brown was fired with almost three years left on his contract and Mike D’Antoni was handed more than half of the $4 million he was owed after resigning in 2014.
As I noted last night on twitter, the idea of Scott (potentially) doing better with more talent is not very relevant to me. Give any coach — whether he is a good coach or not — more talent than he had in previous seasons and you would expect that coach to improve his results. The bigger question, then, is whether there is a belief that the coach can actually take the talent available and get them to perform up to/beyond what would normally be expected of that group of players.
I am of the mind Scott — whether due to his communication style, his schematic preferences, or his penchant for leaning on veterans/Kobe — has not maximized the talent available to him. That’s just my opinion, but I would wager I am not alone in that thinking. This has several people wondering why the Lakers would be torn on his future at all.
I sort of see this report differently.
I am sure Scott has backers in the organization. The upswell of support which led to his hiring likely has some carryover to today. If you frame his tenure to this point with the injuries (last season) and Kobe’s retirement tour and influx of young players (this season), their are reasons to want to give Scott more time to see what he can do under more ideal circumstances.
But, for me, the idea that “the franchise seems torn” also tells me there are people who see beyond those variables and believe a change is worth making. The report above cites his “tough love” on the young players — which, if we’re being honest, is code for how he’s treated Russell this season — but I am guessing the concerns would go beyond that.
Concerns like ranking last in defense this year (29th last year) while ranking 29th in offense this year (23rd last year) and whether his schemes are good enough. Concerns like whether his decision making on rotations and personnel groupings are following what the data says they should. Concerns about whether he has been too rigid in his approach and whether that can start to wear on the players to the point he starts to get tuned out.
Or maybe those are my concerns.
Ultimately, though, what this may come down to isn’t any of the stuff mentioned above, but instead on how the front office thinks Scott impacts the chase for free agents. This front office has long preached flexibility and has stated their goal is to try and attract elite talent this summer (and beyond) using the cap space they have hoarded. I’ve no clue how potential free agents view Scott, but if the front office thinks he is in any way a potential negative, that may be the nail in the coffin.
And we haven’t even gotten to the front office’s culpability in this situation. They are the ones who put these rosters together and they have their own image issues to work through. Go read/watch any Jim/Jeannie interview (individual or joint) and the tension/dysfunction is palpable. They were also the people who hired Scott in the first place, interviewing him multiple times and closing off the search to “candidates with previous head coaching experience” after there were reports they planned to cast a wide net in their search.
It is this history of decision making which helps cast doubt they are willing to make a change with Scott this summer; this history which has so many looking at them being “torn” from the perspective of them willing to bring Scott back rather than the perspective of them thinking of firing him.
So, this is about more than just Scott. This is also about the front office and whether they have the ability to see the forest through the trees. If I had to guess, I would imagine Scott is relieved of his duties this summer. He helped shepherd Kobe into retirement and gave the young players some tough love to try and push along their development. Maybe that’s all he was really supposed to do anyway. We’ll know for sure in a few months.
BigCitySid says
-“Torn?” I don’t believe it. Anyone who believes that might as well believe the Lakers still can reach the post season this year. Scott was hired to allow Kobe to be Kobe this season. No matter what the cost. No more, no less. No other coach would have allowed this circus to take place.
– Only way Scott returns as coach next season is if Kobe returns for a 21st season. Fully expecting company man Scott to move to an “upstairs” position in the organization.
changes says
In basketball, no matter how bad the offense, always play defense. Whether its high school, college, D-league or the NBA. The Lakers haven’t followed that basic concept at all.
Lou Williams made his name as a 6th man offensive boost, defense isn’t his thing. Kobe isn’t that quick anymore but his desire sure is. Russell can play good D. I’ve seen it plenty of times. Same for Randle and Clarkson. This problem is on coach to solve.
Vasheed says
So let’s see what did the F.O. envision for the season? Well Mitch was pretty clear that he envisioned the team somewhere in contention for an 8th seed. So how far is the gulf between expectations and reality? Were there unforeseen circumstances like massive injuries? I just don’t see much to argue that Scott hasn’t met expectations by a long shot.
George Best says
By this time next year the Lakers will be paying more coaches than Manchester United.
Kevin says
I see it as the only way that BS returns is if Jim/Mitch are still in place. If Jeanie brings in a young aggressive and progressive GM then it would seem reasonable that clarity would also follow. BS should be replaced with a coach that embraces the GMs approach. Byron is as misplaced and old school as Jim and Mitch are.
People have no idea how poor of a job Jim/Mitch have done these last three years. The kids are nice but we’ve paid for them with 160 losses in 2+ years. The only team that has lost more has been the 76ers and they’ve tried to lose on purpose.
The straw that breaks the camels back for me is that if everything went as Jim wanted it to go we’d be have as our core a 33 year old Carmelo and a 31 year LA. His grand plan was to build a win now team with a two year window. It wasn’t a grand design to create the next Lakers dynasty. It was a plan to get respectable as quickly as possible so he could get his sister off his back.
You realize that the Lakers lost only 207 games in the entire decade of the 1980s. While those years may never come back — wouldn’t it be nice that we had an FO that strives for greatness as opposed to being content with mediocrity.
Lakers fans deserve more than what Jim/Mitch can pull together. It’s time to open the doors and windows and let the fresh air in. Kobe’s retirement is the right time to turn the page as an organization — time to stop treading water and finally move forward.
Anonymous says
The straw that breaks the camels back for me is that if everything went as Jim wanted it to go we’d be have as our core a 33 year old Carmelo and a 31 year LA. His grand plan was to build a win now team with a two year window. It wasn’t a grand design to create the next Lakers dynasty. It was a plan to get respectable as quickly as possible so he could get his sister off his back.
So true. And the irony of the situation is that Jim made Jeanie lead the sales pitch for both Melo and LA. If the guy ultimately responsible for putting a winning team on the floor can’t communicate his vision to a prospective player then what are you left with?
Clearly a presentation about everything but basketball was not a sound approach. Jim likes to tout the fact that he learned from the best, his dad and Jerry West. Hard to imagine Dr. Buss or JW delegating a key recruiting meeting to Jeanie who is on record numerous times stating ‘not understanding player personnel at all.’
At some point in time Jim has to be judged by the numbers — the wins and losses. Good intentions, injuries and the family discount (looking the other way) have to give way to reality. Jim needs to retire to the owner’s suite. Mitch needs to be a consultant. Time for new blood.
Clay Bertrand says
Sadly, I’ve been predicting this scenario unfolding all year. SMH……..
They will give BS a “pass” for his dealing with the KOBE+THE KIDS. If the FO is TRULY as bad as some believe, they give BS another year.
Personally, I don’t think I can take another year of Byron Scott. I can handle a rebuild. I can handle the losses that come with a rebuild. I can’t handle an arrogant, small-minded jerk refusing to adapt and having no acumen for getting the best out of his players walking the sidelines arms folded like he owns the damn place all the time. That’s NOT building anything!
Undue Entitlement or not, its CLEAR that the young players don’t respect BS. Watch the DAR interview at the All Star Weekend and note the underlying disrespect.
Byron needs to go.
As I have posted before: if he is sitting there for the Lottery Draw, we likely got a LONG YEAR ahead of us AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! : (
Anonymous says
Jim may be ‘torn’ because he knows deep down that he set Byron up for failure. Despite rhetoric to the contrary many saw this team as a 25 – 30 win team and not one that was going to contend for a playoff spot. The fact that the Lakers are currently trending towards 16 wins is reflective of overall coaching/organizational incompetence.
I agree with Kevin and Anon above. It really is time to move on. BS, Jim and Mitch have to go. But this is where the plot gets really dicey. Replace Jim/Mitch with whom? The fact that Jeanie wants to replace Jim with Phil is yet another example of how equally out of touch she is.
The best path is to bring in an established young GM or someone that is emerging and ready to take over their own team. Jeanie is supposed to be enamored by Sam Presti. Maybe she can woo him or one of his top lieutenants: Troy Weaver or Michael Winger.
You think it’s hard to fire your brother. Well just wait and see what happens with PJ — who would be her boyfriend/fiance.
The Lakers are at a cross roads and I really don’t trust either of the Buss kids to make the right decisions.
arliepro says
Think Ryan West might be ready for the GM job?
Kbj says
Ryan West, son of Jerry West, is working for the Lakers. He is a candidate for GM if Mitch and Jim goes. I don’t think he’s ready yet, but if he is anything like his father, Jeanie should take a serious look at him.
lil pau says
I’ll take Mitch’s record over the last three years (great drafting, great cap flexibility, terrible roster construction, terrible head coach) over PJ’s in New York (one great draft pick, otherwise terrible roster construction, terrible head coach, but mostly thwarting any hope for a rebuild by signing Carmelo for the next 200 years).
After this year, which bad contracts do we have? Maybe Swaggy’s, although it’s not insane. Imagine if we had Melo! Geez…. Even our bad roster construction is (somewhat) defensible in the sense that we valued expiring contracts over decent but not longterm-beneficial players.
Scott needs to go, but I for one would like Mitch to be retained. Find me another GM who has drafted as well with late picks (Clarkson, Nance). As for Jm Buss, he owns the team (via participation in the trust, i know) so I find the question of him being ‘replaced’ to be largely immaterial– he’s going to be ‘in the room’ regardless of his title.
Here’s to better times ahead. I must say, I find it very difficult to watch too many games this season, this coming from a fan who used to attend as many as 40 games a year.
Fern says
Personally in torn about why Byron wasn’t fired yesterday, the day before yesterday or last month…
Fern says
I think it’s been abundantly clear that because someone is the son of somebody that was successful that doesn’t meant a damn thing. The Lakers should consider bring in somebody from outside if they shake up the front office and not hiring somebody because their last name is West…
Todd says
While I hold nothing against Ryan West, my gut says he was promoted to ensure that Jerry West’s comments about Jim Buss were always positive.
I’d prefer to go outside the organization on such a critical hire. In my opinion the Lakers could use an infusion of new ideas and new approaches. It’s easier for someone from the outside to tear down the walls of ignorance than it is for someone promoted from the same system that erected them.
Nicholas says
Let me just get this off my chest right now. I do not see us getting a big time free agent such as a Durant or in another year, a Westbrook, unless Jim AND Mitch are gone. The straw that broke the camel’s back for me wasn’t even this whole atrocity with Byron Scott. It’s when they went in to the Lamarcus Aldridge meeting with no clear basketball plan in place, and came out looking like the biggest bunch of idiots in the process. How do you go to a star athlete who plays ball for a living and not have a basketball plan of how he fits into the team concept and how you can win with him? Business opportunities are endless for basketball players during and after their careers. Didn’t they learn anything from the Dwight Howard fiasco? Or how about when Jim Buss was behind the “StayD12” billboards? Since when did the Lakers have to beg players to stay? How about the fact that you had a chance to re-hire the greatest coach in NBA history and you chose Mike DAntoni instead? How about the fact that you held onto Pau Gasol for so long, threw his name out there in trade rumors, refused any sort of package teams came at you with, alienated him in the process, and then you get NOTHING in return for him anyways and then tells Kobe “Its based on principal” why he couldn’t return? How about question Magic Johnson himself, who is Mr. Laker, and say something arrogant like “dude my dad made you so much money, where are you coming from?” It’s just endless stupidity on Jim Buss’s end, and Mitch has simply become his out of touch with reality puppet. As Max Kellerman said, the Lakers may be in grand position to get 2 or 3 max free agents with young talent. But this ain’t by design. They have “magooed” their way through the whole thing, and I pray that guys like Stephen A. Smith and Magic Johnson keep calling for Jim to be fired until Jeanie finally succumbs to the pressure. Until that happens, the Lakers will come up empty handed with free agents time and time again.
Second, if I were Jeanie, I would not even consider Phil as my first option. I am immediately getting on the phone with Jerry West (who is only a consultant for the Warriors) and I would say, “come home Jerry.” I would let him assume Jim’s role, and then maybe bring in a guy like Troy Weaver as his GM (who has good influence on Durant). Get someone in there that has the entire league’s upmost respect. Free agents will want to come to the Lakers knowing that Jerry West has such a long history of success. Oh, and I would FIRE Byron Scott immediately. The “don’t say nothin crazy” muttered by Jordan Clarkson to D’Angelo at the press conference during all star weekend is embarrassing. He clearly does not have the respect of his players.
Recruiting free agents. Get Magic, Shaq, Kobe, Kareem, Jerry West, and any Laker great you can find to help pitch during the free agency meetings. Get em all in one room and assure guys like Durant “when you win here, there is nothing like it.” The Rockets did the same thing when the wooed Dwight away from us with guys like Clyde Drexler and Hakeem the dream. If the Lakers follow these 3 simple steps, free agents will be falling over themselves to come and play for the Lakers.
Oh, Basketball plan you ask? Well, we have 4 really good young and talented players in Russell, Clarkson, Randle, and Nance Jr. We have max cap money to bring you in with at least two other max players. You guys be the main stars, and these future guys with talent that we have will be your role players along with a few veterans we can bring in just be the sheer fact that you are coming. This team is set up to win now with you, and set up to win for a long time to come. Welcome to LA. Oh and by the way, did you know about the million business opportunities we can offer you? Just say the word and we can set you up with someone of your choosing.
That’s how you do it. PERIOD.
Anonymous says
So let me get this straight:
1) Byron was hired to keep Magic off of Jim’s butt on Twitter
2) Ryan West was hired to make sure that Jerry West makes nice with Jim in the press.
3) Melo and LA were recruited not to make the Lakers great but just to make them good enough to keep Jeanie off Jim’s back.
The more I think about it that’s the Lakers problem. Jim is running the team as a way to cover his own ass as opposed to managing it to be the greatest franchise in sports.
So sad.
Moses Buhay says
Man up Soriano.
david h says
Darius: “torn” is code for we screwed up again and don’t quite know how to get out of it. It being the operative word; less the sh which precedes and stinks to high heaven.
the thing about stupidity. the thing about redundancy. the thing about cya’ing yourself. smells like ass to me.
thought last season stunk to high heaven. this season gives new meaning to futility. another year of this torn, stupidity, redundancy, cya’ing is a step closer to the you know who’s self effacing prophecy: was that three years or four??
Go lakers
Anonymous says
Moses Buhay: Man up Soriano.
Not sure what this implies…
DY says
Byron would make a great [insert your fake Lakers organizational position that has no bearing on the actual on-court product].
Gary says
Todd, david h and Anon (So let me get this straight):
Those are three of the best posts in quite some time. Nicholas you get an honorable mention.
These comments are spot on. Time to stop looking at excuses or extenuating circumstances. Let’s judge based on the facts: the wins and losses. Jeanie needs to blow up the FO or folks will start looking at her as being incompetent.
rr says
Moses Buhay: Man up Soriano.
It is presumably either a guy who doesn’t like DS or a guy who does like DS making fun of Byron. My $ is on the second one.
I am 99% sure that that Byron will get a buyout and a sinecure. No idea what will happen to Jim and Mitch, but my guess is that they stay.
rr says
so I find the question of him being ‘replaced’ to be largely immaterial– he’s going to be ‘in the room’ regardless of his title.
Perhaps, but the issue is who has final say. Anybody can be in the room. Right now, Jim is the highest-ranking person in basketball ops.
rr says
Also, recall that Jim specifically said that he would step back from basketball operations if he didn’t make the timeline.
Fern says
Im pretty sure the “man up” comment is a joke about Byron Scott. People needs to calm down I reeeally doubt Mitch and Jim will be gone. That 2017 deadline will hold up in my opinion. Byron? he is done, there is no way us the fanbase will endure another season of him and if the Lakers are smart business wise they have to can him. Expect a massive fan base wide backlash if he stay on. And by 2017 if nothing dramatic happens Jim and Mitch needs to go, we all know the reasons and im all out of passes for Mitch. Him and Jim are responsible and if Jeanie grand master plan is bring Phil back and run the team, she needs to go too. And please Jerry West is 77 years old, his time has passed and it’s not coming back. I doubt that he would be willing to take on the massive task of fixing the Lakers, if there is any shakeup in the FO in the near future we have to break with the old and move fwd. Of course the alumni is more than welcome to help but we can’t be thinking about Jerry West or PJ two septuagenarians coming back and run the team. It’s absurd…
LT Mitchell says
Even if Jimbo steps down, I anticipate that he will try to find a way to weasel his way into influencing personnel decisions as the owner. He already tried to quietly add another year to his self imposed deadline.
Whoever replaces Jimbo must have the presence and authority to stand up to him. Jerry West’s son is not that guy. Perhaps he’ll make a good GM, but the president of basketball operations cannot be another Jimbo puppet, like Kupchak has been.
We need either Jerry or Phil.
I’m not sure where the criticism of Phil’s tenure at NY comes from. He came into a laughingstock of an organization with bad contracts and no direction. They now have that direction, but more importantly, the NY fans are excited about the Knicks again. He got rid of bad contracts, cleared up cap space, and brought in complementary players on the cheap. He drafted a superstar, and let’s not forget that he hired Kerr before he backed out.
One of the main reasons the team is in this mess is because Jimbo wanted to distance himself from Phil, and all that winning that came along with him. Let’s not make the same mistake again.
Mid-Wilshire says
There is nothing to be “torn” about. Vasheed said it best. Byron Scott has fallen short of his own boss’s expectations (an 8th seed, squeaking into the playoffs).
I hearken back to the business world. In the world of IT sales (which I know best), one is invariably given a “number” to make, also known as a sales quota. If you are asked to sell, say, $1 Million in one year and you only finish at 50%, you are more than likely fired. Why? Because your boss must also make his/her numbers and he/she will also be fired if he/she finishes at 50%. If you sell 70-80%, you’re more or less safe. If you sell 100% or more, everyone loves you and you can relax (until you’re given a quota for the next year).
The same reasoning should apply to Byron and his current tenure with the Lakers. What were Mitch’s expectations? 45 wins? 42? 40? I, in my unbridled optimism, predicted 32 wins. (Boy, how wrong can a guy be?) So…if Byron finishes at 16 wins, then by any measure he will have failed. Specifically, he will finished at less than 50% of expectations. And bear in mind, we’ve had an injury-free season. So, excuses are few. Now folks, 50% is fire-able territory. If I finish at 50%, my boss — I assure you — will not think twice about cutting me loose. It’s reality. You can’t hide from it.
Furthermore, the trends are all wrong. Last year the Lakers won 21 games. This year they will win fewer (barring some miraculous turn-around). To go from 21 wins to, say, 16 is heading in the wrong direction. In business, that is death. You should always be improving, always maintaining the highest possible degree of excellence. (See: San Antonio Spurs.)
My point is simple. Byron cannot be retained. The facts mitigate against it. He was given a job and he fell short. The numbers do not lie. You are what your record says you are. And the Lakers’ record says that Byron Scott is not a very good coach.
There is no need to be “torn” about anything. It is time to move on. It is time for the Lakers to find a new Head Coach.
KO says
No buyout. Last 2 years of his contract are team option. That comes direct from my friend who wrote the contract.
Darius Soriano says
You should ask again about that contract. It was widely reported that only the 4th and final season of Scott’s deal was a team option, not years 3 and 4.
KO says
You are correct. I assumed it was 5. He said next year was team option. My bad.
Baylor Fan says
If Jerry West comes back to the Lakers it will be because the Buss brood will have finally honored the promise made to him by their father and he will come as a part owner. That failure to follow through on part ownership drove West away.
Times Warner can tolerate this utterly pitiful Lakers team since Kobe is still bringing in viewers. What happens next year when that golden goose has retired? What will it take to get fans to tune in when the Lakers roll out another team destined for a high lottery pick? This year may turn out to be the high water mark for the Buss’s.
Fern says
lol!!! that’s all…
Robert says
Byron has a 4 year contract with the last year being a team option. Jim made a promise which was also 4 year deal. People are talking about the team not honoring Byron’s 3rd year. Why do we need to honor Jim’s last year? As I said before, allowing Jim and Mitch to hire a coach and then firing them a year later makes no sense. Talking about Byron’s future without including Jim’s future is an incomplete conversation. Clean house in the summer of 16. It is the only logical course of action.
Anonymous says
Good lord. The NBA intervened with the 76ers because they were losing. If the League knew that the Lakers were such a dumpster fire what would they do…
Anonymous says
Clean house in the summer of 16. It is the only logical course of action.
Neither Buss kid knows what logic is.
Fern says
About Jerry West departure because he wasn’t given “ownership” of the team, that’s bs, what would had been his stake? like 5% same as Magic. He was threatening to quit for years. And let’s be clear about something , West didn’t want to hire Phil at all not by a longshot, it was Dr Buss putting his foot down that made it happen. The main reason he left was that PJ didn’t respected him at all and wanted control and Dr Buss was on Phil’s side. He felt he wasn’t needed anymore and for the next 12 years even when he was gone that lone season It was PJ team. They just couldn’t coexist an a measly stake in ownership couldn’t change that. He is 77 years old he ain’t coming back. He did all he could for the Lakers but the past is the past…
sam says
I am “torn” whether to retain my season seats if Byron is retained as head coach for another year or just bite the bullet and throw in the towel. It is painful to watch the offense and defense that is being played on the floor.
Whether it is time for Mitch to go or not I am not sure – I am ambivalent — because I am not sure what he really thinks and what authority he has in the organization to make basketball decisions without interference
He is after all the guy who pulled off the pau gasol trade, the chris paul trade until it was vetoed and the Dwight Howard and Steve Nash signings which to me only seemed like bad moves in retrospect particularly if you were rolling the dice to give Dr Buss one last ring.
To me the most important thing is to bring in a dynamic younger coach (ok I am enthralled with the Luke Walton idea) and let basketball people run the organization and the Busses stay out of it — Jim is not Dr Buss –step aside please Jim and please Lakers move on from Byron
Fern says
I just read that Dwight and Harden tried to get the other traded. HAHAHAHA!!! What a flop Dwight in Houston has been. We avoided that big whinning diva bullet lol.
Anonymous says
Fern there were opportunity costs involved w/ Howard. Bynum was traded at his absolute peak value. Would have been better to have traded him for an asset still on the team (not Howard of course).
Dwight had plenty of red flags before the Lakers acquired him … Which the FO chose to disregard.
Mid-Wilshire says
There was a fascinating interview today in El Segundo between Mitch Kupchak and various members of the press. Mitch was asked twice what he thought of Byron Scott’s performance thus far. With the first question, there was a pregnant pause from Mitch, almost an embarassed silence. He said nothing for 4-5 seconds and was clearly at a loss for words. Then he stated that he would simply not discuss the topic of Byron’s performance.
The first instance occurs at about the 1 minute mark. The second one occurs toward the end of the interview. It appears that the topic of Byron’s performance is an extremely sensitive issue and will not be discussed under any circumstances. Interesting stuff:
A Horse With No Name says
It’s pretty simple to read the subtext here. When word gets to the press about the FO being “torn” about what to do with Byron, you can read that he is good as gone. That’s the language of regret about needing to do something that feels bad but is deemed necessary. No way he survives. Rejoice fellas.
J C says
I’m with one of the posters here that implied that the word ‘torn’ was used to convey a subtler message.
My gut reaction to reading that word (torn) was simply that the Lakers are trying to justify keeping him around for the remainder of THIS season. Not the next season – in which the foregone conclusion is that he will be replaced. And to send him a message to be prepared to pack his bags.
It seems the FO is genuinely surprised at how poorly the team has performed and ergo, Byron.
I’m sure they feel some Laker loyalty to him and hence he gets a pass for the remainder of this year. That’s really what they’re torn about, probably. Remember, most of us were sure Byron would’ve gotten the axe by now.
Byron has failed in almost every way except one: respectfully paying homage to Kobe.
An interesting side note might be that although Kobe’s retirement was probably imminent regardless, if the team had been over- rather than under-performing earlier this season, Kobe may have delayed his announcement long enough to see what the front office does this summer. Remember, Kobe has still had some shining moments this year, and if winning had been an option, rather than simply playing out his farewell string, he may have tailored his game and stuck around a bit longer.
rolokovich says
Mitch and Byron are partners in crime, and the crime is “tanking.” That’s how you explain Scott’s style of coaching…he’s tanking. Not all the time, but much of it.
Don Ford says
Jerry West is a legitimate basketball legend. I had the guys poster on my wall as a kid and still think the world of him. Geez, he is a Laker demigod, no joke at all. But… The posters who say that Jerry West is the past? They are flat right. ( about Phil too.) Onward! On to the next era. Let’s go – as soon as possible!
J C says
Don Ford
Me too re JW.
As far as his return to LA goes, his age is probably less a factor than the fact that he gets to work part or full time for the Warriors, who’re on the verge on having the greatest season in NBA history. Regardless of how much or how little he’s had to do with GS’s success, Jerry’s not leaving that.
Baylor Fan says
For curiosity’s sake, how many bad basketball decisions have the Warriors made since Jerry West became their consultant? None sounds about right. They have also developed the way to play basketball going forward. Just ask Popovich. Dude is old but still a basketball Einstein.
LT Mitchell says
If I remember correctly, GS was planning to trade Klay Thompson for Kevin Love last season. Jerry West threatened to quit if the Warriors made that trade. I don’t think the Warriors win a ring with an overrated Love starting over Draymond, and no Klay. West is still West, but the odds of him leaving, as someone mentioned here, is slim to none. Phil, on the other hand………
rr says
Phil: His record in NY so far is mixed. I think it is worth remembering that he wanted to hire Kerr. I think that Phil should have let Anthony walk, but the jury is still out on that. Porzingis was a nice move. The decision to fill out the roster with grunt ballplayers on 2-4 year deals (Lopez, Afflalo, O’Quinn, Williams) is a strategy that could be questioned, but it has improved the team.
That said, I don’t see solid reasons to presume that Phil would be some sort of comparative disaster here, especially in view of how the Lakers FO has handled the post-Howard post-injured Kobe challenges. I do think Phil would work best as a gravitas/oversight/sign-off guy with a young GM handling the phones/scouting/numbers.
West: I have made the point made above, and I think it is a good one: Golden State’s arrow has pointed straight up since West got there, and they have nailed basically every single personnel decision. It may be coincidence, but I would not presume such. And, I agree that West is not leaving GS, and I don’t think Walton is, either.
Byron: As I said upthread, I will be very surprised if Byron stays. I see no realistic chance of it.
FO: The question is not what happens to Byron; the question is whether Jeanie goes after Jim and Mitch. I expect that there will be some sort of change—someone gets brought in as a guru/consultant like Colangelo in Philly; Ryan West gets another promotion, something. But I think Jim and Mitch will get at least another year. I think it should either be 0 years or 2 guaranteed years with a re-visit, but I don’t see Jeanie going that way.
The Dane says
“Don’t say anything crazy!”
That is just awsome. Clarkson warning Russel not to speak his mind about coach. Apart from the obvious coaching drama, then I love the way these two young guards seem to care about each other. They are competing for some of the same minutes. I really hope we can keep this duo together (even if Clarkson’s best role might be the Manu role of the bench on a good team).
harold says
I agree that once word gets out that the FO is “torn,” he’s good as gone next season. The question is do you want a new coach to have the luxury of coaching a 0-expectation team for the remainder of the season, or not? Is it even attractive considering it is essentially Kobe’s farewell tour?
As for replacements, I am not an industry insider and I have no idea. I also oppose change for the sake of change, but it seems that Jim/Mitch/Byron are now products of the previous era that is no longer valid. They’re not the type of talent spotters that have timeless value, nor are they quick to adapt to the current cultures and trends, although I am more sympathetic towards Jim/Mitch than I am to Byron.
T. Rogers says
“Torn” is code for “he’s as good as gone.” They just want to give Bryon a touch of dignity since he is a Laker company man. That’s what this is.
Jim and Mitch need to show Byron the door as soon as the season ends. And Jeanie needs to show Jim and Mitch the door immediately after.
minorthreatt says
I agree that “torn” is probably just a way to give Byron the chance to leave with some dignity. You say “torn” when you’re really not torn, but know exactly what you have to do.
I do wonder about the Logo and whether there’d be any chance he’d be willing to reconsider. I don’t think anything less than an ownership stake would do it — especially since, as has been discussed here, that was apparently part of the reason he left — but he clearly has deep, deep ties to this organization and one wonders whether the chance to rebuild it from, essentially, Ground Zero would be the final career challenge that a hyper-competitive guy like Jerry West might relish. (Read his autobiography, if you haven’t.)
The arrow has definitely pointed straight up for Golden State since he arrived, but a natural pessimist like West would note that this means there’s only one way it can go from here. They might be in the midst of an historic run. Or they might be the Bill Walton-era Trailblazers.
Anonymous says
Jerry West Loves the Lakers not the Buss kids. He’s not coming back.
minorthreatt says
On the face of it, the Lakers have four paths they could pursue for next year, and beyond:
1. Some version of the status quo. One more year for Jim and Mitch, in line with the “promise.” Maybe even one more year for Byron, if we lose our pick, strike out in F.A., and are projected to be abysmal again. (That’s less likely, but who knows.)
2. The Phil Again Plan. Jeanie cleans house of Jim and probably Mitch, and brings in Phil to run the basketball side of things. Phil probably tries to recruit Luke to coach.
3. The Logo Again Plan. Jeanie brings in Jerry West with an ownership stake and lets him run the basketball side of things. Maybe Mitch stays as a consultant? Jerry also tries to recruit Luke as coach, and is probably successful? Whither Ryan West, though?
4. The True Housecleaning Plan. Jeanie fires Jim and Mitch (and Byron), and brings in new blood from the outside. A Presti, or a Presti disciple, for example, who also brings in a coach from the outside. (Kevin Ollie again? Someone from the Pop family tree? Someone completely off the radar?)
I hate to concede that choice number 1, or some version of it, still seems most likely. However, the variables in play, and there are several, actually begin today. Can we add to our assets by getting anything for any of our vets?
Marques says
I don’t get it, what should Byron be doing?
Everybody on this roster is severely flawed, what would you do different? Not call out Russell in the media? Bench Kobe?
He can’t give the guards defensive skills, he can’t make Roy Hibbert faster, he can’t stop kobe from aging….
At the most he can run a different offense, but that’s not going to change anything given the fact the talent is the worst in the league.
Maybe Byron could suit up.and play a few games….that’s it, that’s what you guys want.
T. Rogers says
“I don’t get it, what should Byron be doing?”
Better developing his young players. We don’t have to like Russell, Randle, and Clarkson. But they are the only assets the Lakers have at this point. They lost 100+ games over two years to get them. To play Lou Williams 35 minutes a night is completely thoughtless. Williams won’t get any better than he is now. Neither will Young, Bass, or Hibbert.
Russell, Randle, Clarkson, Nance, and Black all should be getting heavy minutes. Not because they are saviors. But because they are the only players on the roster who could be better tomorrow than they are today. Scott’s handling of the young players on this roster alone is enough to show him the door.
Also, he could ditch the Princeton. It only serves to stifle the team’s offensive production.
matt says
Do we all really think mitch is dumb enough to tell the media what he’s gonna do with the coach.
What if mitch responded by saying, “yeah byron hiring was a mistake, we are gonna let him finish the year then fire him”
Does that really sound like something, someone would say
matt says
Minorthreat. Like the post, #4 sounds good
A Horse With No Name says
Definitely goes: Byron
Shouldn’t go: Mitch
Should go: Jim (but maybe he should get another year)
Should go: Jeanie (if she brings back her boyfriend)
Should never be allowed back: Phil (see above)
Should come back: Luke as coach
Should come back but won’t: Pau, Jerry
Should sell: Buss kids
Should buy: Patrick Soon-Shiong
matt says
funny thing is i was looking for something about the lakers on the net and ran across a article written right after roy hibbert was acquired, this guy said he didn’t understand why the lakers were bringing in hibbert because they would be better off trying to lose, and now they are gonna be a playoff team, i read that and thought, really, someone actually thought that was a good move. Wow
matt says
Again i think clevand gave up alot for channing frye.
Anonymous says
Again i think clevand gave up alot for channing frye.
Cavs very much in win now mode. Lebron has like two elite years left — already seeing the effects of time and mileage. Funny, despite having zero competition to get out of the East my prediction is that Lebron never wins another championship.
matt says
Clippers traded right at end with grizzlies
Sent lance Stephenson and pick
For jeff green
KevTheBold says
Phil Jackson is being given too much credit for drafting Porzingis.
There wasn’t much left on the plate after the top three were gobbled up.
If you think he would have done the same if NY were picking 1 thru 3, you should think again.
sam says
T. Rogers — your comments are spot on
Anonymous says
Jeff Green, while a solid player, is not a great three point shooter. Spreading the floor is the Clippers main weakness. He’ll help with their defense however.
Stephenson should have stayed in Indiana. They had the infrastructure to keep him grounded. Surprised he played so poorly with the Clippers because Doc is known as a calming influence on troubled players. Although, I thought the Clippers played Lance out of position as a Three — he’s best as a combo guard. But the Clippers have Paul/Redick/Rivers in that role.
Renato Afonso says
“I don’t get it, what should Byron be doing?”
a) give more playing time to his best players, regardless of age and NBA status
b) avoid undermining the confidence of younger player with inexplicable substitutions and media talk
c) use an offense that brings out the best this roster has to offer
d) improve team defense with increased focus on defensive transition and stopping dribble penetration
e) avoid using players out of position unless there’s an injury or suspension problem
f) improve individual defense on players who are not on the verge of retiring
g) improve players’ skillset depending on their strengths and future as players
h) improve overall record every season, unless his roster is gutted from one season to the other
i) develop a team identity
That’s basically it.
rr says
If you think he would have done the same if NY were picking 1 thru 3, you should think again.
Arguments based on hypotheticals are weak, and this one is no exception. Phil could have taken Cauley-Stein if he wanted a big, or he could have taken Hezonja, or Mudiay. The pick was booed by some at the actual event and questioned by many, and beyond that, we of course don’t know who Phil would have taken at 2.
I am not a bring-Phil-back guy per se, but the hardline anti-Phil stuff is pretty questionable on a number of levels.
Shaun says
Mitch has been great – getting bass,hibbert and williams were all great moves based on what we had ….. What bryon did with them was terrible, his handling and relations with our younger guys is terrible, and systems on both sides of the ball are just terrible
he will be gone … luke could be a great change
realistically we were not an fa destination last year … and really might not be this year either but if we keep our pick and guys develop we should be playoff bound in 1-2 years
best job has been svg in detroit …had drummond, drafted s johnson but traded now for harris morris and jackson … developed a good young core from almost nothing in about 2 years but they had the assets to do it we have nothing
guys gotta relax
now look at boston … piled up picks can’t get anything for them and will have a roster space problem next year because they stockpiled too many picks. . all smart things but its gonna blow up in their face this year
KO says
Shawn Really?
Boston went from crap to playoff team in same time Lakers went from playoff team to worst record in team history 2 straight years.
Great coach and FO makes Lakers look like clown alley.
So yea now look at Celtics?
KevTheBold says
rr: “Arguments based on hypotheticals are weak, and this one is no exception. Phil could have taken Cauley-Stein if he wanted a big, or he could have taken Hezonja, or Mudiay.”
And what do you think your argument is based on?
“could have, or, or, or ” is about as weak as you can get.
By the way, my post isn’t ‘anti Phil’ it only brings him back to earth.
Marques says
Are you serious???
Improve individual defense…hahaha
Team defense starts with individual effort, at 6 players on the team have no interest in defense, another are either just bad, over matched or Roy Hibbert
Play young guys more, maybe….but you have to attempt to stay in games, they still cant, but you have to try….we are already playing extended garbage time, garbage minutes don’t develop anybody
Develop? What does that mean,the changes are made in the summer, the best you can hope for is the young players don’t develop losing habits.
I don’t know if Byron Scott the answer, but the team absolutely sucks. Other than Lou williams, nobody on this team has any worth. You can pick any coach in the league and it will be exactly the same.
You get another coach next year, minus kobe, overpay for marginal free agents and then what….I know
Coach so and so sucks, he isn’t(insert complaint here)
If Russell comes in next year with a better attitude and game, and Randle improves his jumper and has a jump hook and Scott still has the playing short minutes…..then fire him.
Somebody has to eat these losses, let Byron do it long as he can.
Kevin says
KO — occasionally you provide glimpses of what goes on in the Lakers FO. What is the weekly work environment there? Do Jim/Mitch meet regularly? Does Jeanie sit in them or does she have a separate meeting with Jim to catch up?
Or, because these current Lakers are really looking at things on a per season basis, do Jim and Mitch meet every, like, 15 games to catch up and Jim just checks in with Jeanie like once a month.
I’m just curious how these folks work and how they work together. Are the Lakers about normal in terms of the time commitment their executives put in?
Robert says
Marques: People like to bash Byron, because in a warped way it gives them hope. Some think that if we just change out Byron – all will be well. They give our draft picks and the FO every benefit of the doubt they can in the name of “context”. Then they do not consider “context” at all with Byron. Of course you are correct that the roster is horrible and there is little Byron could do to improve that. Yes Byron has had some issues with DAR and Randal and of course the bashers state that this was all his fault. You see when Pau and Dwight were unhappy, it was not anything that MDA or the FO did, it was because they were babies. Now that we have a couple of literal babies (many call them kids – and I am not saying they won’t develop into decent players), the attitude issues are all about Byron. See how it works? MDA’s issues were not his fault – they were because of “context”. The FO has had lots of bad luck and bad breaks – again – “context”. Byron on the other hand – everything that happens on his watch is all his fault without regard to “context”. This is central them of the cult known as the Byron Bashers. I called for Byron to be gone a long time ago to take away this excuse. The Lakers had a 62 year long party, and now we are suffering one of the worst hangovers in sports history. We are sitting amongst a bunch of plastic cups – half filled with days old beer, somebody filled the pool with garbage, and the dog has not been let out for 3 days. Arguing about Byron or who should get more playing time is like arguing about who won the game of quarters the previous night. Forget all that. It is time to Clean House !!!
matt says
The truth it took 3 interviews to hire byron, he’s been fired 3 times, correct me if I’m wrong, but he was hired after they knew dwight, nash, pau, kobe wasn’t working, they signed kobe brilliant 2 year overpaid (let’s tank) but forget the FO. As for byron, clarkson is starting with lou williams, kobe hasn’t played 2 guard all year, usually into January if it ain’t work you change everything, the system, he did the same thing last year, benched a couple guys, the coach is a big part of it, and they haven’t pulled the plug cuz they are hoping for the pick. Byron is doing an excellent job.
Fern says
Renato don’t post here that much anymore but when he posts it’s always a good read and i agree with him most of the time and he is spot on. I supported Byron Scott hiring people that been here for more than a month know that. And he had a bad roster in Cleveland but he had sucess in NJ and with NO. But seeing him in a nightly basis made me realize he is a bad coach period, there is no way around it. He didn’t adjust to the times and he coaches like it’s 1986, badly i might add. He just throw crap at the wall and see if it sticks. And yes individual defense can be taught, that’s his biggest failure he haven’t built an identity for this team. This team is a mess because there is no leadership at the top. Double standards all over the place, thank God Kobe has recognized some of that and is been more than willing to sit out 4th quarters if the kids are playing well enough and the game is on reach remember the first time that happened? he overruled Byron Scott!! If it was up to Byron, those kids wouldn’t play those minutes and he won’t play them if he can help it, that’s a fact. If this team has bad habits on defense at some point it’s on the coach. Its simple, the players don’t care what he says, period, thats another fact. His schemes at both ends of the floor are laughable and belong in the 80’s and 90’s and are just bad. About calling out the kid on the media? I dont give a crap, they are young men not children and some of it is warranted “man up”. Thats not really important to me. Either you take the criticism and try to show him that he is wrong or you pout and whine and do nothing about it. This team was no world beater by any means before the season but this team should not be sitting at 11-44 no way. I would had expect the team around 18-37, 19-36 something like that. Bad team but an improvement over last year. And if people here really believed that Mitch playoff talk was real you’re a fool. What he was supposed to say? “Oh no there is no way we make the playoffs forget all that” He had to sell a season and he put that little diclaimer “if everything works out”! his little out clause. The vast majority of people on this blog knew better or so i thought. Why is this team at 11-44? Because Byron Scott lost this team a looong time ago. They don’t drink his kool-aid and when players dont buy what the coach is selling this happens and it always show the most in defense. I know few people here don’t like Russell, yeah i call him “the bust” because people here called him that since his first turnover/missed shot in summer league. But guess what, he is improving same as Randle, and they have the potential to be really good, the rest of the league recognize it but the armchair GMs here know better. And when these players are engaged and have a shot of winning a game i see them playing pretty decent defense. I don’t spend games watching a single player and nitpicking every single mistake he makes. And lastly like i said before If Jim goes Mitch has to go, the time for passes are over. And if Jeanie Grand master plan is to bring Phil back and run the Lakers she needs to go too. At least we have a toung core in place and with a coach that they can buy and trust what he brings they could be a lot better. I supported Byron Scott hiring and now I can’t wait for him to get fired. And next summer we need to build around what we have whoever believes that We have a shot at KD or someone like that is stupid. There are other pieces that can be have and complement what foundation we have. Sorry had to get all this out of my chest. GO LAKERS!
matt says
If byron wasn’t hired and the team last 2 years formed to lose then I’ve been duked
KO says
No idea. My pipeline has been very quite. Must have heard me ranting on talk radio one day.
matt says
Im watching duke vs n. Carolina, I’m wondering if the lakers can pick up this guy brice Johnson with the 2nd round pick, but then maybe they better off making their 3rd power forward a veteran
fern says
~~~~~You see when Pau and Dwight were unhappy, it was not anything that MDA or the FO did, it was because they were babies.~~~~
Really? Howard was a baby,he was pampered and the FO beg him to stay in that embarrassing campaign. He could not handle Kobe and the expectations to be a Laker and ran to Houston and is flopping there to the point that Houston tried to trade him and looks like he won’t be a Rocket after the season. Pau?he was a good soldier and you want context?What about MDA criminal mishandling and disrespect to him? Why Pau walked for nothing?Because MDA reduced his value so much that there wasn’t any plausible deal for him at the trade deadline, a second round pick for a player of his caliber? You trade Nick Young for a second round pick, not Pau Gasol.
MDA hurt the Lakers present at the time and the future which is now. Now MDA is the associate head coach whatever that is of the one team that is a little worse than us and Pau is averaging 17-11 and is an All Star. Man, Pau would had been the perfect mentor for Randle.
matt says
My Newest nba 2k16, the association lakers 2016-17 lineup
Russell, clarkson, sessions.
Lou williams, n. Young ….sg
Ingram, a.brown, dorrell wright. .sf
Randle, nance…
Whiteside, al jefferson,,….c
Baylor Fan says
Maybe people like to comment on the coach because they care about the Lakers and where they are going as an organization. The coach reflects the values and goals of the organization and is charged with managing millions of dollars in assets in a very public setting. Every comment is made by people who have had a chance to see this person in action under very stressful circumstances. It is a rare opportunity to analyze how good a job the person is doing and project how they will do going forward. Most of the rest of the organizational activities are closed to the public so this is what we have to work with.
rr says
And what do you think your argument is based on?
“could have, or, or, or ” is about as weak as you can get.
Nah. You missed the point, and could and would are not synonyms. My point was that Phil had legit options at 4 if he wanted to go with a guy other than Porzingis. Cauley-Stein, in particular, was a safer, if lower-ceiling, bet if Phil wanted a big, and WCS is having a fine rookie season. Also, you were making a direct statement about what Phil would have done picking at 2–and you have no way of knowing what he would have done picking at 2.
rr says
And if people here really believed that Mitch playoff talk was real you’re a fool. What he was supposed to say?
We covered this a long time ago. All Mitch had to do was give a simple, vanilla non-answer answer, like:
We are focused on being as competitive as we can while developing our young players, and we just want to see our team competing every night because that is what our fans expect and deserve. If we do that, the record will take care of itself.
-rinse and repeat-
As I have said a few times, after the 2013-14 season, Mitch gave an interview to Sam Amick in which he said that the FO thought that the 2013-14 team could win “in the 40s.” I believe that the FO thought that, but many fans have tried to comfort themselves with the idea that the FO is running a long con game and is putting this stuff out there to the fools, as you call them/us, or as another poster called them, sheep. It is a lot of the same part of the fanbase that goes off on Byron day after day and it is, as noted a way to keep hopes up.
I can’t prove that is not what is going on, but I don’t buy it, especially since the FO by all reports tried to sign Pau, Anthony, and LMA.
matt says
Byron, lakerz almost beat spurs a couple weeks back until byron started messin with the lineup, same with the warriors, occasionally they look good, its like its the coaches job to slow it up
KevTheBold says
rr. It’s you that misses the point: Using suppositions to support an argument against them, is, in one of Darius’s preferred words; ‘silly’.
If you want to give Phil wizard status for picking Portzing, at 4, and would label anyone who disagrees, a ‘basher’, that says more about you, than anyone else.
I however, am no gm, and even I would have gone with him at 4, or even at the 3rd spot,.
I’m sure I’m not alone in that.